Shopping Services
Check with local grocery stores in your area about shopping options.
Dominick’s Market
139 Gertrude Street, Syracuse, NY 13203
Will deliver groceries in Onondaga County. Monday through Friday. There is a $7.00 minimum delivery fee and at least $40.00 in groceries must be purchased. You must call before 11:00 a.m. to put your name on list. You will receive a call back; same day grocery delivery.
Kinney Drug Stores
Offer FREE delivery, within five miles of the store you call, of anything they sell in their store. The stores carry many grocery staples and cleaning products, etc. They also offer FREE delivery of prescriptions.
Syracuse Jewish Family Service at Menorah Park
Hodes Way, 4101 East Genesee Street, Syracuse, NY 13214
315-446-9111 x234
A Ride-N-More provides grocery shopping, basic errand services and transportation to family functions, social events, and medical appointments, with or without a patient advocate. Visit for fee schedule and details.
TymeSavers Concierge Services
Onondaga County Department of Adult & Long Term Care Services, Office for Aging
Eligibility: Onondaga County Seniors, age 60 or older with limited income, who are homebound and unable to find assistance for grocery shopping. The service can also pick up prescriptions if they are at the same grocery store.
- Not able to leave the home due to being frail and/or disabled. At a minimum, meets the following definition:
- Disabled - Any person who has a physical or mental impairment which substantially limits one or more major life activities, has a record of such impairment, or is regarded as having such an impairment. This includes alcoholism and drug addiction.
- Frail - A person with one or more functional deficits in the following areas:
- Physical functions
- Mental functions
- Activities of Daily Living (eating, bed/chair transfer, dressing, bathing, toileting/ incontinence)
- Instrumental Activities of Daily Living (meal preparation, housekeeping, shopping, medications, telephone, travel and money management)
- Has no one willing or able to assist in shopping
- Cannot avail themselves of free delivery services
Fees: No cost for qualifying individuals. Voluntary contributions are accepted to expand the Department of Adult & Long Term Care Services, Office for Aging’s services. No one will be denied services if unable or unwilling to contribute. Shopper Services are valued at $50.00 per trip, however a contribution, in any amount, is welcomed. |