The Onondaga County Office for Aging is the federally designated Area Agency on Aging (AAA) for Syracuse and Onondaga County. As such, we assist seniors and caregivers by providing the services and benefits that older adults need to live independently.
The Office for Aging
- Offers services both in the community and in the homes of seniors who live in Onondaga County
- Is a focal point for information related to healthy living and/or care in the home
- Helps seniors and their caregivers to get the services they need
- Provides services directly as well as through partnerships with local community-based organizations
Our Mission
The Mission of the Onondaga County Office for Aging is to improve and enrich the quality of life for all older persons in Onondaga County.

The Office for Aging exists to:
- Ensure that a comprehensive and coordinated system of services is available for senior citizens, their
families and caregivers
- Help families and individuals remain safe and productive members of our community
- Promote the dignity and independence of seniors
- Foster public awareness of the value and contribution of senior citizens
Our Services
The Onondaga County Office for Aging is one of 59 Area Agencies on Aging in New York State and is part of the national aging network. Our aim is to be a focal point for information, advocacy, and coordination of eldercare services. Descriptions of (and links to) some of our services are located below, and in the menu across the top of this page. To learn more about a particular service, simply click on any one of the links.
Caregiver Services - Provides respite programming, information and assistance, and support and discussion groups. It also offers the "Institute for Caregivers" – classes for current and future caregivers that inform on relevant topics.
Community Services - Provides information and referrals related to home repairs, legal services, senior center activities, health promotion initiatives, transportation options and shopping services. It also includes the Neighborhood Advisor Program.
Energy Programs - The Home Energy Assistance Program (HEAP) offers heating and cooling assistance to income eligible seniors.
Health Insurance - The Health Insurance Information, Counseling & Assistance Program (HIICAP) offers free and unbiased information.
Home Care - Expanded In-Home Services for the Elderly Program (EISEP) - The Expanded In-Home Services for the Elderly Program (EISEP) is a sliding-scale, fee-based program that provides non-medical home care for frail individuals. It also includes case management and respite care options.
Nutrition Services - Provides nutritious meals and nutrition education through home delivered meals, senior dining sites and nutrition counseling. The unit also manages the annual "Senior Farmers Market Nutrition Program."
NY Connects - Provides information and assistance on long term care services for persons of any age.
Long Term Care Services - Offers medically based home care for children and adults who receive Medicaid.
Aging Services Advisory Board - The general public is invited to attend any, or all, of the Bi-Monthly Aging Services Advisory Board Meetings. They are held from Noon to 1:00 pm either via Zoom or at the fully accessible Soule Road Library, located at 101 Springfield Road, Syracuse, NY 13214. Please call the office prior to the meeting for more information at 315-435-2362.
2025 Advisory Board Meeting Dates
