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County Monthly Newsletters
A monthly newsletter listing upcoming events and recent accomplishments in Onondaga County

Monthly Newsletters
  • 2024 August
  It's hard to believe Summer is almost over. Hopefully you have had a chance to stop by the fair and enjoy some …
  • 2024 July
  July has flown by! I hope everyone is enjoying the warm weather and our wonderful county parks. I want to give …
  • 2024 June
  Summer is officially here! I hope everyone stayed safe and cool during the recent heat wave. I want to thank …
  • 2024 May
  May has been a busy and exciting month for the County! The month started with lighting up our county buildings green …
  • 2024 April
  Honoring our Fallen Heroes …
  • 2024 March
  This month 'March Madness' was in full effect! The month kicked off with a County Career Fair in our Emergency Services Dep't …
  • 2024 February
  February proved to be another successful and productive month for County government. Our team in Children …
  • 2024 January
  This past year will be remembered as the year Onondaga County officially put its name on the map …
  • 2023 December
  The holiday season is a time for family, friends and making new memories and I hope everyone has had the opportunity …
  • 2023 November
  The month of November is a time to remind ourselves of all that we are grateful for, a time for gatherings and …
  • 2023 October
  October brought the beauty of autumn and proved to be a busy month all across Onondaga County! …
  • 2023 September
  I hope you had an amazing summer and are ready for all the majestic sights that Autumn brings to Onondaga …
  • 2023 August
  August was a month full of excitement in Onondaga County. I had the honor of joining other elected officials …
  • 2023 July
  I hope everyone has been able to enjoy their summer so far and explore our great County parks! …
  • 2023 June
  June proved to be another exciting month in Onondaga County! This month I had the honor of welcoming the …
  • 2023 May
  The momentum and progress being made continued in earnest this past month. We released our new County …
  • 2023 April
  Happy Spring! April was another busy month for Onondaga County as we continue to execute on our historic investments …
  • 2023 March
  March was another busy month for Onondaga County. From honoring the Syracuse University Men's soccer …
  • 2023 February
  February was another busy month for Onondaga County. From welcoming the Special Olympics, to celebrating … 
  • 2023 January
  Happy New Year! This past year has been full of progress and historic wins for our community…

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