Community Services
The Onondaga County Office for Aging’s Community Services for the Elderly (CSE) Program plans, funds, administers, and subcontracts programming that provides services to frail low-income elderly residents of Onondaga County to assist them in maintaining independence at home.
These programs are designed to reduce reliance on institutional care, to provide information about resources in the community and to provide cost effective, non-medical services. Find out about the services below by reading and/or clicking on the link for detailed information.

Our services include:
Information, Assistance & Outreach - Call 315-435-2362 for information, referrals and assistance linking callers with beneficial information regarding existing programs and services.
Health Promotions - Health Information, Nutrition, Exercise and more.
Home Repairs - A partnership with Catholic Charities called “Project Fix.”
Legal Services - A partnership with Legal Services of CNY, Inc.
Neighborhood Advisors - A corps of outreach workers, located in the community, who provide information and assistance to older adults and their families.
Senior Centers - Nearly two dozen area centers that offer inclusive and diverse programming designed to promote physical and emotional wellness.
Shopping Services – Grocery shopping services available for seniors in Onondaga County.
Transportation - Transportation services for senior residents of Onondaga County.
Social Work Services - Aurora of Central NY, Inc. operates a Social Work Services Program for older persons who are vision and hearing impaired. Social workers counsel and provide information and connections to assistive equipment.