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Diabetes Self-Management Program

A woman leads a meeting with charts and papersThe Onondaga County Office for Aging provides Onondaga county residents who are age 60 and older with diabetes education. These classes are offered in a workshop consisting of six sessions, held weekly. Participants will learn how to better manage their diabetes through activities and materials. All participants will receive a workbook that is theirs to keep after the classes end. This workbook includes valuable information about managing a chronic condition!

The Diabetes Self-Management Program classes are held at a variety of community-based locations across Onondaga County. To see our current class offerings, or to sign up online, click here: https://forms.gle/Z6cGYmT87upUDz8J8.

These evidence-based classes have proven outcomes that include improvement of participant's A1c level, improved symptoms, and reduced healthcare costs. For more information call Maggie Hurd at (315) 435-2362 extension 4943 or email at MargaretHurd@ongov.net.

SMRC Logo This program is an SMRC Evidence-Based Self-Management Program originally developed at Stanford University. This program is funded by Title III-D of the Older Americans Act. A suggested contribution of $3.00 per class is greatly appreciated. If you would like to make a voluntary, confidential contribution toward the cost of the service, you can make checks payable to Chief Fiscal Officer and mailed to: Onondaga County, 421 Montgomery Street, Syracuse, NY 13202.


Office for Aging
421 Montgomery Street
10th Floor Civic Center Syracuse, New York 13202


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