Legal Services

The legal services component of the Onondaga County Office for Aging’s Community Services for the Elderly (CSE) Program is a partnership with The Legal Society of Mid-New York, Inc. Through its Older Americans Unit, it provides legal assistance to residents of Onondaga County who are age 60 and older for:
- Entitlement issues
- Utility problems
- Wills and living wills
- Health care proxies
- Power of attorney
Through funding from local Offices for Aging, they provide free legal advice and representation to seniors ages 60 and over on civil (non-criminal) legal matters.
They handle many different legal problems for seniors, including consumer problems, family
matters, access to healthcare, public benefits issues, housing problems, future planning (wills, living wills, health care proxies, powers of attorney and Medicaid planning), elder abuse and many other legal issues.
Click Here for their website.
You can contact the Legal Services of CNY’s Central New York Legal HelpLine by calling 315-703-6600 (or toll free at 877-777-6152.)
The Onondaga County Public Library has a list of "Drop-In Talk-to-a-Lawyer Walk-In Clinics." Call 315-435-1900 for a list of locations and times.
Long Term Care Ombudsman Program
The New York State Office of the Long Term Care Ombudsman Program (LTCOP) is an advocate and resource for persons who reside in long-term care facilities such as nursing homes, assisted living, and board and care homes.
Local Long Term Ombudsman Program Information