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Weather Stations

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Metro WWTP - Current Weather Conditions

Meadowbrook Limestone WWTP - Current Weather Conditions

Brewerton WWTP - Current Weather Conditions

Wetzel Road WWTP - Current Weather Conditions

Oak Orchard WWTP - Current Weather Conditions

Brewerton WWTP - Current Weather Conditions

* Snowfall is melted by the heated raingage and recorded as water equivalents.



Onondaga County Department of Water Environment Protection (OCDWEP) is providing these data "as is". 

OCDWEP makes no warranty, expressed or implied, as to the accuracy, completeness, or utility of this information, nor does the fact of distribution constitute a warranty.

Anomalous or incorrect data may still be transmitted, caused by mechanical problems or invalid readings from occurrences such as instrument fouling by biological materials, instrument malfunction due to debris, unusually high battery drain, power failure and/or radio frequency noise transmitted with the data signal.

The data from these (above) stations have not been reviewed or validated by WEP staff and, therefore, are considered to be provisional. OCDWEP is not responsible, nor does it assume any liability, for any damages caused by inaccuracies in this data or documentation or as a result of the failure of the software to function in a particular manner.

E-mail For additional information, please contact Mike Mulvihill , 315-435-2260.

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