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WEP Division - Flood Control WEP Division - Flood Control

The Flood Control Division of Water Environment Protection (WEP) provides continuous maintenance and preventative flood measures within the Onondaga County Drainage Districts by removing trash and debris from waterways, maintaining the surrounding landscape, and responding as needed during and after heavy weather events. The Onondaga County Legislature established four (4) Drainage Districts in the 1970s to oversee maintenance and improvements of select waterways and to limit chronic, seasonal flooding in the area. The Flood Control Division of Water Environment Protection (WEP) provides continuous maintenance and preventative flood measures within the Onondaga County Drainage Districts.


Harbor Brook Drainage District

Harbor Brook Drainage District


Regular maintenance of Drainage Districts helps keep local waterways at maximum capacity, reducing the likelihood of local flooding and directing water away from neighborhood properties and local habitats. Flood Control mows and trims vegetation, removes trash and debris, and inspects WEP infrastructure to ensure District waterways are unobstructed. To further reduce flooding and control terrestrial vegetation along these waterways, WEP contracts licensed professionals to apply select herbicides to particular Drainage District locations in early springtime every year, as permitted by the New York State Department of Environmental Conservation (NYS DEC). These professionals will safely apply herbicides according to the application instructions of each product and in compliance with all local and federal laws.

Onondaga County Drainage Districts

Frequently Asked Questions

How does regular maintenance reduce flooding?

Regular maintenance and the removal of trash and debris along with annual herbicide applications keep local waterways at maximum capacity, which increases flow, reduces the likelihodd of flooding and directs water away from neighborhood properties and local habitats.


What type of regular maintenance is performed by WEP employees?  

Flood Control employees regularly mow, trim, and remove woody vegetation and debris, and inspects WEP infrastructure to ensure unobstructed water flow and reduce the chances of flooding during rainfall events. WEP employees do not apply herbicides. 


What type of regular maintenance is performed by contracted professionals?  

WEP contracts licensed professionals to apply select herbicides to certain Drainage District locations to control and manage terrestrial vegetation along the banks to reduce area flooding, as permitted by the New York State Department of Environmental Conservation (NYS DEC). These professionals will safely apply herbicides according to the application instructions of each product and in compliance with all local and federal laws.  


Why are herbicides used as part of regular maintenance? 

Herbicides reduce vegetation growing in and around drainage ways, which can obstruct water flow and can lead to flooding and other drainage issues. It should be noted that many agencies use herbicides to maintain vegetative growth. The New York State Department of Transportation (NYS DOT), for example, applies them to manage roadsides for motorist safety, to avoid drainage issues, pavement damage, and to deter wildlife. 

What products will be applied?  

List of products registered with the US Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) and approved by the NYS Department of Environmental Conservation Bureau of Pesticides Management (NYS DEC) which may be used by contracted professionals within the Onondaga County Drainage Districts of Harbor Brook, Meadow Brook, Bloody Brook, and Ley Creek / Bear Trap. *Please note that not all of these products are applied simultaneously. Their usage may vary depending on specifics and they can be employed in any combination, as required. 


Are these products safe for bees and other pollinators? Bee doodle

Herbicides used by our contractor are formulated to target aquatic vegetation and are not labelled harmful to pollinators by the US Environmental Protection Agency (EPA). The EPA uses a NOAEL rating (No Observable Adverse Effect Level) to determine the highest dose of product that can be used without showing negative effects. Application rates include a safety factor, which is generally 10x less than the observable NOAEL. By complying with application instructions along with local and federal laws and regulations, WEP's contractor ensures proper effectiveness with minimal impact to the environment, wildlife, and people.


When are applications made in each Drainage District?  

Applications are scheduled annually in early spring. The start dates listed below are estimated, depending on weather and environmental conditions.


Spring Treatment Areas (Click for illustrated area map)
Harbor Brook (1)


Grand Avenue


DePalma Avenue

Harbor Brook (2)


West Marcellus Street


Westside Plaza

Harbor Brook (3)


Erie Blvd W, Hiawatha Blvd W


Train Tracks

Harbor Brook (14)


Hiawatha Boulevard West


Flood Control Access Road

Bloody Brook (4)


Juneway Drive South


Electronics Parkway

Bloody Brook (5)


Onondaga Lake Parkway


Sunflower Drive

Bloody Brook (6)


Electronics Parkway


Chestnut Hill Drive

Bloody Brook (13)


Towne Garden Drive


Aldenwood Drive

Bear Trap / Ley Creek (7)


North Midler Avenue


Old Court Street

Bear Trap / Ley Creek (8)


North Midler Avenue


New Court Avenue

Bear Trap / Ley Creek (9)


Woodbury Avenue


Norwood Park

Bear Trap / Ley Creek (15)


North Midler Avenue


New Court Avenue

Meadow Brook (10)


University Neighborhood


East Genesee Street

Meadow Brook (11)


East Genesee Parkway


East Genesee Street

Meadow Brook (12)


Wilson Place


DeWitt Road



Prevent - Learn how to minimize basement backups, limit pooling groundwater, and help redirect stormwaters toward District waterways. (Click to Learn More) Respond - Toppled trees, garbage, and debri can block District waterways and cause area flooding. If you see an obstruction, notify us. (Click to Contact WEP)


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