How does regular maintenance reduce flooding?
Regular maintenance and the removal of trash and debris along with annual herbicide applications keep local waterways at maximum capacity, which increases flow, reduces the likelihodd of flooding and directs water away from neighborhood properties and local habitats.
What type of regular maintenance is performed by WEP employees? Â
Flood Control employees regularly mow, trim, and remove woody vegetation and debris, and inspects WEP infrastructure to ensure unobstructed water flow and reduce the chances of flooding during rainfall events. WEP employees do not apply herbicides.Â
What type of regular maintenance is performed by contracted professionals? Â
WEP contracts licensed professionals to apply select herbicides to certain Drainage District locations to control and manage terrestrial vegetation along the banks to reduce area flooding, as permitted by the New York State Department of Environmental Conservation (NYS DEC). These professionals will safely apply herbicides according to the application instructions of each product and in compliance with all local and federal laws. Â
Why are herbicides used as part of regular maintenance?Â
Herbicides reduce vegetation growing in and around drainage ways, which can obstruct water flow and can lead to flooding and other drainage issues. It should be noted that many agencies use herbicides to maintain vegetative growth. The New York State Department of Transportation (NYS DOT), for example, applies them to manage roadsides for motorist safety, to avoid drainage issues, pavement damage, and to deter wildlife. |