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Plumbing Control - Forms and Regulations
Plumbing Control - Forms and Regulations

Plumbing Forms

To promote the safety of our residents and neighbors and to conform to local laws and public health standards, all Onondaga County plumbing installations must be reviewed and permitted by WEP's Plumbing Control division. Provided below are various plumbing reguations and forms to read through and complete. When submitting a request for review, ensure your installation plan meets or exceeds code, complete the required forms and gather supporting documentation (as required), then schedule a review with Onondaga County Plumbing Control. Please be aware, WEP employees cannot guide you through this process, but they are happy to answer questions about the process - Contact WEP.

Plumber Illustration

Plumbing Fees

Click Here (.pdf)

Charges associated with services such as exams, reviews, and inspections.

Plumber Illustration

green pipe
green pipe

New York State Building Code Search

International Code Council search engine of NYS building and plumbing code; useful for exam study, plumbing installations and homeowner projects.

Commercial or Residential Permit (.pdf)

Professional plumbing installations and upgrades completed at commerical or residential properties.


WEP Plan Review - Application (.pdf)

Complete this application along with approvals and required documentation before scheduling a plan review.

Examining Board for Plumbers (.pdf)

Requirements for Implementation of the New York State Fire Prevention and Building Code, by the Onondaga County Examining Board for Plumbers

Residential Water Heater Permit

Use this application for residential water heater installation/replacemen permits. All applications must include a completed Water Heater Checklist.

WEP Plan Review - Schedule

Reviews require at least 24 hours to schedule. Please bring all required approvals and paperwork to the appointment. [Schedule a Review]

Onondaga County Regulations (.pdf)

Onondaga County Rules & Regulations for Plumbing Installations


Homeowner Permit (.pdf)

Additions or alterations completed by an owner-occupant to the plumbing inside their single-family home; including piping, valves, and drainage.

Capacity Assurance Review (.pdf)

Required for proposed sewer extensions, new lateral connections to existing mains, and reuse of existing laterals.

Environmental Health Department

Onondaga County also inspects public water systems including sewers & septic, pools, and drinking water plus links to NYS regulations.

Grease Interceptor Permit (.pdf)

Grease interceptors installations required at food service establishments. Properly installed, they catch grease and prevent blockages in our sewers.

Backflow Prevention (BFP)

Onondaga County Environmental Health provides links regulations and applications for review of Cross Connection Control and BFP Devices.

Stormwater Piping Permit (.pdf)

Permits for installations to the main storm sewer collection system, including 8" or larger pipes up to property lines; not including building connections.

Corporate Ownership Certification(.pdf)

Form certifying corporate ownership for Master Plumber Licensees.

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