Who We Are:
CNY Crisis Network is a unified group of local crisis response services, dedicated to delivering a standard of excellence to individuals in our community experiencing a mental health, emotional, behavioral or substance use crisis.
The teams from Crisis Connects, Liberty Resources, Inc. Mobile Crisis, St. Joseph’s Hospital CPEP, Mobile Crisis, Inpatient and Outpatient Behavioral Health Services, Helio Health’s COTI and Open Access Center, Onondaga Co. Department of Children and Family Services’ Mental Health Services Division, local Inpatient and Outpatient Behavioral Health Services collaborate and coordinate regularly on best practices, advocacy efforts, policy development and implementation, and high-risk case conferencing.
Additionally, leaders in the network participate in local city, county, and state-wide crisis system initiatives.
Our Mission Statement:
The mission of the CNY Crisis Network is to work together to provide community members with the best possible care and resources during a behavioral health crisis in a consistent manner by offering “someone to talk to, someone to respond, and a place to go” in a culturally humble, person-centered, safe, and supportive manner.
Source: National Guideline for Behavioral Health Crisis Care: Best Practice Toolkit (2020). Retrieved from SAMHSA.gov
Our Vision Statement:
To act as a transformational and united front to erase the stigma of mental health and substance use challenges and provide prompt compassionate crisis response and access to wrap around supports to all in need 24/7.
Our Values:
- We value meeting the person in crisis where they are at, in the present moment.
- We advocate for human rights.
- We value empathy.
- We convey respect by treating all individuals with dignity.
- We value collaboration and coordination to maintain continuity of care.
- We normalize mental health and substance use symptoms.
- We recognize the service needs of our community and value the opportunity to meet those needs.
- We appreciate the diversity of our community members and strive for inclusion of all.
- We strive to utilize inclusive language and behaviors.
- We value the safety of all members of the community.
Our Services:
Offering someone to talk to:
- Contact Crisis Connect: In a crisis? Connect with hope. 315-251-0800
24 hours a day, seven days a week, Crisis Connect is a live, support line staff by trained counselors who truly understand the struggles of mental health. As needed, Crisis Connect can also help arrange for a team of peers and counselors to visit you at your home or help you locate a safe place to stay.
If you would like a visit at your home, Crisis Connect counselors then contact the team of peers and counselors from the CNY Crisis Network which include teams from Helio Liberty Resources and St. Joseph's Health.
Contact Community Services
- Peer Warm Line from Liberty Resources accessed through Crisis Connect 315-251-0800 or by directly calling 855-778-1900 and pressing option #2.
Crisis Services | Liberty Resources (liberty-resources.org)
Someone to respond:
Helio Health - Outreach and Engagement is a mobile health program providing outreach and peer support services to those struggling with substance use disorders. A multidisciplinary team consisting of counselors and peers travel throughout the CNY region to assess the needs of individuals and connect them with the appropriate level of treatment. Referrals can be connected with a member of the Outreach and Engagement team within as little as 24 hours. Outreach and Engagement serves Onondaga, Cayuga, Oneida, Oswego and Madison Counties.
Accessed through calling 315-401-4288.
Mobile Crisis Team from Liberty Resources – The Liberty Resources Mobile Crisis Team provides a trained response team that is available to de-escalate crisis, divert unnecessary Emergency Department visits, inpatient hospitalizations, and arrests. Crisis specialists are trained in mental health crisis management and suicide prevention to provide assessment, intervention, supportive counseling, information and/or referrals to community resources to maintain stability in the community. You are the expert in your own life & we encourage self-advocacy through choice & voice. We believe that relief & recovery is possible with a focus on the 8 Dimensions of Wellness.
Accessed through Crisis Connect 315-251-0800
Hours in Onondaga County: 24/7/365
Mobile Crisis Outreach team from St. Joseph’s Health - A team of social workers, registered nurses and crisis staff who work under the direction of a psychiatrists at CPEP to serve children, adolescents, and adults. The team makes in person visits, ether in the community or at one’s home. As part of a larger CNY Crisis Network team, our collective goal is to respond during a mental health crisis to provide person-centered, safe, support to those individuals experiencing the crisis. Services provided include crisis intervention, evaluations, emergency referrals to many outpatient mental health clinics in the community, referrals to case management services and other programs specific to the individual’s demographics and age specific needs and facilitate other crisis planning.
Accessed through Crisis Connect 315-251-0800 or by directly calling 315.569-4129.
Referrals given for Community Members:
The CNY Crisis Network Team providers and coordinates referrals and access to local community agencies to maintain continuity of care following crisis.
A place to go:
Helio Health Crisis Center- The Crisis Center, located at 329 N. Salina St., offers immediate and necessary treatment for adults, teens, and children while in a safe and welcoming environment. Individuals may receive services for up to 24 hours. Services include medication management and treatment, mild to moderate detoxification, crisis counseling and support, safety planning, psychiatric consultations and referrals to appropriate services. Contact 315-434-5333.
Liberty Crisis Respite Program - Respite services: Short-term peer & crisis supports for adults in a home-like setting who are having a mental health crisis and cannot cope within the home or community without crisis supports or intervention. Accessed through Crisis Connect 315-251-0800 or by directly calling 855-778-1900 and pressing option #3.
For Behavioral Health Emergencies - CPEP or your local ERs are available to provide evaluations.
CPEP - The Comprehensive Psychiatric Emergency Program (CPEP) provides 24/7 emergency psychiatric evaluation, treatment and care to children, adolescents and adults who are experiencing an acute behavioral health crisis. CPEP is a licensed Psychiatric Emergency Room, serving individuals from Central New York. No appointment or referral is necessary. CPEP is staffed with Psychiatrists, Nurse Practitioners, Nurses, Social Workers, Mental Health Counselors, Peers, and Patient Care Techs that work as a team and provide evidence-based care for patients a wide range of complaints from a new onset of symptoms such as depression, anxiety, or grief to those with significant persistent mental illness. CPEP maintains linkages with area hospitals and outpatient providers. Upon discharge from CPEP, patients who do not have an established behavioral health care provider will be assisted in obtaining follow-up care. CPEP is located on the St. Joseph's Health campus, next to the medical Emergency Department at 301 Prospect Ave in Syracuse. 315-448-6555.
Community Education and Advocacy:
Members of the CNY Crisis Network are available to provide education and advocacy sessions, please contact:
Contact, Inc. – contact@contactsyracuse.org
Helio Health – Tania Lyons- tlyons@helio.health - 680-867-6491
Liberty Resources – Andrea Crolick Swain- acrolick-swain@liberty-resources.org
Onondaga Co. Children and Family Services Mental Health Division’s – 315-435-7711
St. Joseph's Mobile Crisis - 315-569-4129
St. Joseph's Behavioral Health – Lauren Giannetti– Lauren.Giannetti@sjhsyr.org
Additional Resources:
For a complete list of crisis services in Onondaga County, click this link.
