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Flood Control - Spring Treatment Flood Control - Spring Treatment

The purpose of the Drainage Districts is to prevent localized flooding. Vegetation growing in and around drainage ways obstructs the flow and can lead to flooding and other drainage issues. Spring treating with herbicide applications have an added benefit of reducing habitat for undesirable rodents and pests, managing invasive plant species, and increasing visibility for staff maintaining the channel by reducing their risks of slips, falls, and other injuries on rocky, steep banks.


Bloody Brook Drainage District Bloody Brook Drainage District

What type of regular maintenance is performed by contracted professionals?  

While Flood Control employees regularly mow, trim, and remove debris - they do not apply herbicides. WEP contracts licensed professionals to apply select herbicides to certain Drainage District locations to control and manage terrestrial vegetation along the banks to reduce area flooding, as permitted by the New York State Department of Environmental Conservation (NYS DEC). These professionals will safely apply herbicides according to the application instructions of each product and in compliance with all local and federal laws.  


Why are herbicides used as part of regular maintenance? 

Herbicides reduce vegetation growing in and around drainage ways, which can obstruct water flow and can lead to flooding and other drainage issues. It should be noted that many agencies use herbicides to maintain vegetative growth. The New York State Department of Transportation (NYS DOT), for example, applies them to manage roadsides for motorist safety, to avoid drainage issues, pavement damage, and to deter wildlife. 


When are applications made in each Drainage District?

Applications are scheduled annually in early spring, depending on weather and environmental conditions for proper treatment.


Drainage Districts Spring Treatment Areas (Click maps below to enlarge)
Meadow Brook
Herbicide Application Map 10 - Meadow Brook
Herbicide Application Map 11 - Meadow Brook
Herbicide Application Map 12 - Meadow Brook
Bloody Brook
Herbicide Application Map 4 - Bloody Brook
Herbicide Application Map 5 - Bloody Brook
Herbicide Application Map 6 - Bloody Brook
Herbicide Application Map 13 - Bloody Brook

Bear Trap / Ley Creek

Herbicide Application Map 7 - Bear Trap Ley Creek
Herbicide Application Map 8 - Bear Trap Ley Creek
Herbicide Application Map 9 - Bear Trap Ley Creek
Herbicide Application Map 15 - Bear Trap Ley Creek
Harbor Brook
Herbicide Application Map 1 - Harbor Brook
Herbicide Application Map 2 - Harbor Brook
Herbicide Application Map 3 - Harbor Brook
Herbicide Application Map 14 - Harbor Brook


What products will be applied?  

List of products registered with the US Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) and approved by the NYS Department of Environmental Conservation Bureau of Pesticides Management (NYS DEC) which may be used by contracted professionals within the Onondaga County Drainage Districts of Harbor Brook, Meadow Brook, Bloody Brook, and Ley Creek / Bear Trap. *Please note that not all of these products are applied simultaneously. Their usage may vary depending on specifics and they can be employed in any combination, as required. 

List of Herbicides - EPA and DEC approved products

Are these products safe for bees and other pollinators? Are these products safe for me? bee doodle

Herbicides used by our contractor are formulated to target aquatic vegetation and are not labelled harmful to pollinators by the US Environmental Protection Agency (EPA). The EPA uses a NOAEL rating (No Observable Adverse Effect Level) to determine the highest dose of product that can be used without showing negative effects. Application rates include a safety factor, which is generally 10x less than the observable NOAEL. By complying with application instructions along with local and federal laws and regulations, WEP's contractor ensures proper effectiveness with minimal impact to the environment, wildlife, and people. For information about each product, labels and safety data sheets are linked above.


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