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Click here
if you are interested in
farmland conservation easements.

Masters Farm
The Masters Memory Lane Farm
in the Town of Marcellus is protected by a Farmland Conservation Easement funded by the Masters and a NYS Department of Agriculture and Markets Farmland Implementation Gran
t (FPIG)


Protected Farmland Map (2023)

Protected Farmland Map





Farmland Conservation

Easement Programs


2023-24 AFPB Pre-Application


Contact the Onondaga County

Department of Planning for more details.




Onondaga County Agriculture &
Farmland Protection Plan

NYSDAM FPIG Application Materials

NYSDAM FPIG Site Plan Guidance Document

Click here to be notified of upcoming Cornell Cooperative Extension information sessions on farmland conservation easement programs.

Farmland Conservation Easement Programs

Farmland conservation easements are voluntary legal agreements that restrict the development and subdivision of land, either as a donation or through monetary compensation, with the goal of preserving land suited for farming. 

NYS Farmland Protection Implementation Grants Program (FPIG) – The New York State Department of Agriculture and Markets (NYSDAM) has offered Farmland Protection Implementation Grants (FPIG) since the 1990s for farmland conservation easement projects. Onondaga County has been an active partner in facilitating farm owner access to the program. To date, over 12,000 acres have been permanently protected.

A key requirement of the NYSDAM FPIG application is endorsement of the project by the Onondaga County Agriculture & Farmland Protection Board (AFPB). As interest in the program has increased, the APFB has developed a pre-application process for interested farm owners to identify the most viable and competitive lands to receive endorsement and undertake the full NYSDAM FPIG application process. 

Refer to the information bar to the right for deadlines, workshops, and pre-application materials.


Links and Contacts

NYS Department of Agriculture & Markets (NYSDAM) Farmland Protection Program

For questions and assistance with the Pre-Application process


Eligible Applicant Partners (not exclusive list)


Onondaga County Projects

To date, over 12,000 acres of dedicated farmland in Onondaga County have been protected by conservation easements through the NYSDAM FPIG program, federal grants, local land trusts, and the Onondaga County Agricultural Council.  

If you are interested in preserving your farmland for future generations, please contact any of the above listed organizations for more information.



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