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Hillbrook Juvenile Detention Center 4949 Velasko Road
Syracuse, NY 13215-1930
(315) 435-1421

Hillbrook Careers

Are you looking to make a difference in a youth's life? Hillbrook may be the place for you! To apply and learn more, follow the links below.

After reading the instructions to submit your application, please scroll to the bottom of the page to upload your documents.

Watch our video to learn more about what it's like to be a Detention Home Aide.


Our Current Job Openings are...
Detention Home Aide (DHA)
In this position, you will be responsible for performing a variety of routine tasks necessary to the operation of the facility and safety of the youth.
Starting Salary: $43,816
Director of Education and Vocational Services
The work involves responsibility for management of the education program at Hillbrook Detention Center. Supervision is received from the Director of Juvenile Justice for the Department of Children and Family Services. Supervision is exercised over all educational staff, including Teachers, Teacher Assistants and Child Care Workers. Does related work as required.
Starting Salary: $72,721
The work involves responsibility for providing educational instruction in academic subject areas to residents of the Hillbrook Detention Center. The work is performed by supporting online, grade level courses and evaluating the residents performance and progress in accordance with the New York State curriculum. Teachers deal with residents having a broad range of aptitudes, abilities, social and academic backgrounds and ages in addition to behavioral or emotional struggles. General supervision is received from the Education Supervisor (Hillbrook). Does related work as required.
Starting Salary: $67,048
Male and female smilng at work at Hillbrook Detention Center Two Detention Home Aides walking in a hallway at Hillbrook Staff at Hillbrookk smiling in front of an inspirational wall mural
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We look forward to receiving your applications. Thank you!

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