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Capital Projects

2025 Community Development Block Grant Application

Onondaga County Community Development funds capital projects throughout the County. Onondaga County is accepting project proposals for the upcoming Community Development Block Grant (CDBG) funding cycle.

The primary objective of the program is to assist the lower income people of the County. Projects must either: 1) be located in a low income area and serve lower income people, OR 2) they must benefit either elderly or handicapped residents, in which case any location in Onondaga County is eligible.

Maps of eligible areas are based on recent Census data provided by the US Department of Housing and Urban Development. The shaded areas are eligible area(s) in each community. Some towns and villages do not have any shaded (low income) areas. 

Community park image

Project applications will be due April 11 2025 and must be submitted through the local town or village.  Applications must be accompanied by a Town or Village Board Resolution authorizing the project. 

Applications will be available in the coming weeks.

The funds provided through the Community Development Block Grant Program are not usable for all activities that local government might want to undertake. By legislation and program regulations, some activities and projects have been declared ineligible for funding.  A partial listing of activities that are eligible and ineligible for funding is provided as a PDF attachment and may be accessed by clicking on the link below.

It should be noted that even though an activity is listed as eligible, it must still be justified according to the Housing and Community Development Act of 1974, as amended, which is the federal legislation authorizing the program.  The Act states that Community Development funds must be primarily used for projects or activities which principally benefit lower income residents. In exceptional circumstances, it is possible to justify activities which aid in the prevention or elimination of slums or blighting conditions or which address an urgent need.

If you have any questions, please call Michael LaFlair at 315-435-3558, x5826.




Onondaga County Community Development
Carnegie Building
335 Montgomery St, 2nd Fl.
Syracuse NY 13202
Phone: 315-435-3558
Fax: 315-435-3794
Email: CD@ongov.net


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