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What's New

Onondaga County Community Development (OCCD) is now accepting proposals from Community Housing Development Organizations (CHDOs) for the use of $411,700.00 available for housing projects which benefit low income residents of Onondaga County. Projects must be located in Onondaga County. “Shovel ready” projects will be given priority. Please download and review the following documents. RFP. CHDO Certification. Budget form.

Onondaga County Housing Initiative Program

Funding limits increased to $15,000 for Shape-Up and Ramp Programs!!

Homes for Sale

Grants available for income-eligible first time homebuyers. View our Homes for Sale!

Contractors Wanted
Eligible contractors to participate in our rehab programs. Visit our Contractor Information page to learn more!

Do you live within the southern Town and Villages of Onondaga County? Check out Southern Hills Preservation Corp and see what they can do for you.


NYSERDA offers several programs for low-income residents.


The United States Dept of Agriculture, Rural Development office has loan and grant programs available for low and very low income households. Visit www.rd.usda.gov/ny for more information.





Onondaga County Community Development
Carnegie Building
335 Montgomery St, 2nd Fl.
Syracuse NY 13202
Phone: 315-435-3558
Fax: 315-435-3794
Email: CD@ongov.net

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