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Peer Engagement Services

Lynn Hopkins, Program Supervisor

(315) 816-6906

Email: lynnhopkins@ongov.net


Peer Engagement Referral Form

What are Peer Engagement Services?

Peer Engagement Services are confidential voluntary transitional peer support for the adult population in different stages of recovery from Substance Use Disorder. Peers are not case managers, social workers, or counselors. Peers help people identify barriers to their recovery, and connect them to services such as care management, counseling, transportation, housing, and in/out patient treatment services.


How do Peer Engagement Services work?


Peer Engagement Specialists engage with people at different stages of change and at different levels of recovery. PES referrals can be completed and submitted by anyone in the community. This can include and is not limited to local agencies, hospitals, self-referral, family members, jail/prison, etc.


Eligibility Criteria:

  • Must be at least 18 years old
  • Actively using or has a past history of Substance Use Disorder
  • Must be an Onondaga County Resident
  • PES will serve clients outside of Onondaga County who are referred from Upstate Emergency Opioid Bridge Clinic



  • Upstate Emergency Opioid Bridge Clinic
  • Harm Reduction Initiatives Syringe Services Program (SSP)


Drop-in Locations and Hours:

White Branch Library
763 Butternut St Syracuse, NY 13208
2nd & 4th Tuesday of each month

Community Library of Jamesville DeWitt
5110 Jamesville Rd Jamesville, NY 13078
2nd Thursday of each month


If you are in need of crisis assistance, contact the following 24/7 services:


Medical Emergency 911
Mental Health Emergency 988 or
(800) 273-8255
Substance Use: Liberty Resources through Crisis Connect (315) 251-0800
Housing and Transportation 211


Office of Addiction Services and Support


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