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Naloxone (Narcan) Training

NaloxoneOverdoses can be prevented!


Drug overdose is a serious public health concern and opioid-related overdose has increased as a health threat.


Call or text our confidential Harm Reduction supplies line at 315-418-5365 for free narcan and fentanyl test strips!









A life-saving law took effect on April 1, 2006, making it legal in New York State for non-medical persons to administer Naloxone to another individual to prevent an opioid/heroin overdose from becoming fatal. All registered opioid overdose programs are furnished Naloxone (Narcan) by the NYSDOH. It is a prescription medicine that reverses an overdose by blocking heroin (or other opioids) in the brain for 30 to 90 minutes.


You and your organization can get trained to administer Naloxone by the Onondaga County Health Department. There are several other agencies within Onondaga County that offer Naloxone Trainings including ACR Health.


There are a number of Naloxboxes throughout our community that were put up by Prevention Network and the Health Department. These are lockers filled with free Naloxone that are accessible to the community. You can see these locations on the map below.





Please see the Community Training Calendar below to see when and where you can get trained to administer Naloxone.




We now also offer on-demand FREE online Naloxone Training. Please click below!


Naloxone Training Button

If you are interested in having your organization or group trained via zoom or in-person, please send an email to



You can also call or text our confidential Harm Reduction supplies line at 315-418-5365 for free Narcan and fentanyl and/or xylazine test strips!



   Concerned about potential legal consequences of administering Naloxone?


    Good Samaritan Law:


Why should you care about the 911 Good Samaritan Law?


• The law empowers YOU to save a person’s life. 


• The law encourages anyone to call 911 when they see or experience a drug or alcohol overdose.



Who is protected by the 911 Good Samaritan Law?


• Everyone — regardless of age — who seeks medical help for themselves or someone else during an overdose.


• The person who has overdosed.



The law DOES protect YOU from the following:


• Possessing controlled substances up to and including A2 felony offenses (anything under 8 ounces);


• Possessing alcohol, where underage drinking is involved;


• Possessing drug paraphernalia; and • Sharing drugs


Image result for n-cap program

Click here to learn more!

The New York State Department of Health has a new program, Naloxone Co-payment Assistance Program (N-CAP). For individuals with prescription coverage as part of their health insurance plan, NCAP ensures that there are no or lower out-of-pocket expenses when getting naloxone at a participating pharmacy.





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