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Onondaga County Drug Task Force
Drug Task Force Logo
The Onondaga County Drug Task Force (DTF) was created by combining several separate initiatives focused on substance use and addiction in the community. With membership from over 50 local agencies, the DTF has worked together to prevent, treat, and reverse the current public health opioid crisis.
Three-pronged approach


The Taskforce has identified a comprehensive approach to addressing to prevent, treat, and reverse the opioid epidemic public health crisis. Three main strategies include:

    1. Prevention: Preventing heroin use and prescription drug misuse, substance use disorders and overdoses by ensuring safe drug disposal and appropriate prescribing.
    2. Treatment: Ensuring timely access to treatment and recovery options and linkages for follow-up care.
    3. Reversing the Crisis: Reducing the number of fatal overdoses through effective use of naloxone and providing long-term support
Each strategy requires a commitment from a number of different sectors.

What are we working on right now?

Data Sharing

Collaboration between agencies

Resource sharing




Button reading Executive Order

To work together to prevent, treat, and reverse our public health drug crisis
Our goal is to develop a comprehensive strategy that focuses on:

  1. Prevention: Preventing heroin use and prescription drug misuse, substance use disorders and overdoses by ensuring safe drug disposal and appropriate prescribing.
  2. Treatment: Ensuring timely access to treatment and recovery options and linkages for follow-up care.
  3. Reversing the Crisis: Reducing the number of fatal overdoses through effective use of naloxone and providing long-term support
Mission and Vision

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