Governmental Organization
Onondaga County was established in 1794 and
is comprised of separate municipalities, which include the
City of Syracuse, 19 towns and 15 villages. The Onondaga Indian
Reservation is also located in the County. In 1962, a County
Charter became effective which divided the County into 24
legislative districts with an elected legislator representing
each district in the County Legislature. Under the County
Charter, a county executive was established to administer
county government. The County Executive is the Chief Executive
Officer and Chief Budget Officer of County government. The
County Comptroller has responsibility for accounting and auditing
of receipts and disbursements and is the Chief Accounting
Officer. The County Executive and County Comptroller are elected
to four-year terms. The County Clerk, Sheriff, and District
Attorney are constitutional officials and are also elected
to four-year terms. By Local Law No. 9 of 1995, the County
merged the Division of Management & Budget into the Department
of Finance, to be administered by the position of Chief Fiscal
Officer. The Chief Fiscal Officer, who is appointed by and
serves at the pleasure of the County Executive, is responsible
for collection of taxes and other revenues, the custody and
disbursement of all public funds of the County, and for the
issuance of bonds, bond anticipation notes, and other financial
offerings as provided for in the State Local Finance Law.
Pursuant to Local Law No. 11 of 1996, the County was redivided
into nineteen Legislative Districts beginning with the election
of November 2001. Pursuant to Local Law No. 26 of 2010, the County was further redivided into seventeen Legislative Districts with the election of November 2011.
Onondaga County Court House |