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Q - What is RMS?
A -The RMS is a computerized software system that allows fire departments and EMS agencies keep track of their day-to-day operations with the exception of bookkeeping. 

It tracks all incident information including attendance and ultimately sending them to the state. There is a training and drill module that will track all events involving agency training activity and can include specific objectives such as OSHA mandates for each activity. There is also module that tracks all other events such as meetings standbys, fundraisers and places them into agency defined categories for participation and LOSAP reporting. There is a personnel module that tracks all aspect of an individual's personnel record, including a history of physical exams, promotions, and other events. There is an occupancy module that can track each occupancy/building in an agency's response area to great detail.  It can schedule and track inspections with results. There is a vehicle and equipment module that keeps an inventory of all vehicles and equipment, their repairs and certifications, and can schedule and alert future inspections and certifications.

This is a very comprehensive system supplied free by the county and supported County Information Technology staff.

Q - We heard that the RMS doesn't have the LOSAP reporting that we're used to.  Is this true?
A - Onondaga County IT staff and some representatives from the users group worked with Zoll to completely rewrite the LOSAP program and reports.  You can see the LOSAP program description in the training/webinars section of this website.  We think you will be pleased.
Q - How does an agency sign up to participate in the RMS?

A - Call 435-2441 and ask for one of the support team or email the support team.


Q - What equipment does an agency have to have to use RMS?

A - High speed internet and a PC with a Pentium (or equivalent) or better processor.

Q - How much storage capacity will our agency need (how big of a hard drive)?
A - Because all the data is stored at the county on Information Technology's

     data storage farm, minimal storage is required for PCs using RMS.

Q - If our PC breaks or fails, do we lose our data or do we need to reload anything?
A - All you need to reload is the access software so you can connect to the county network. All the data is stored at the county as well as the RMS application software so you can reconnect with no problem.
Q - Do we need to backup our data in case of equipment failure or data corruption?

A - No. All backups are done by the support team.  In the event of data corruption the support team will restore the affected database.

Q - How much does the RMS cost my agency?
A - The RMS is free to all the user agencies!  The county picks up the tab!
Q - How does my agency get trained?

A - The support staff does the initial training.  We also have a user group that meets about every six weeks to discuss issues, problems, and generally there is a training session presented by Zoll on a particular piece of the RMS.


Q - Who controls who can access our data and how much each person can get in the system?

A - The team will set up an agency administrator of the agency's choice at the initial training.  After that, the agency administrator can set up the security for all the other members of the agency. The support team can help with this.


Q - We have both a fire department and an ambulance service that do separate incidents and standbys, but also do common things together (like training and meetings, fundraising, etc.)  Can we have both in the same database and still track the different participation requirements?

A - Yes. We have done this for departments already and we can help you set thing up so you can do this.


Q - We already have another RMS.  Can we import the data from that system into County FireRMS?

A - If your department has FireHouse or Red Alert software, the county will make every effort to attempt to import your personnel and incident information into the County FireRMS.

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