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Onondaga County
Department of Transportation
Administrative Office
6230 East Molloy Road
East Syracuse, New York 13057
Ph: (315) 435-3205
Fax:(315) 435-5744

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All Permits must be e-mailed to Highwaypermits@ongov.net or mailed directly to the Onondaga County Department of Transportation (OCDOT).  The following information shows procedures for Access Permits, Work in the Right of Way (ROW) Permits, Utility Permits and Special Events Permits.  Please note:  Permits are valid one (1) year from the date of the Commissioner of Transportation's approval.


Access Permit


Subdivision Proposals:   For all subdivisions, it is the property owner's responsibility to have their surveyor perform sight distance checks for proposed access locations.  Results of sight distance checks shall be provided to OCDOT for review.  This is for access to a county road only.



Access Permits:   All new driveways on Onondaga County roads require an Access Permit, that includes residential, commercial, agricultural, construction and temporary drives.  When requesting access to a county road the applicant must complete 1-11 and submit the required paperwork & checks:


                1.  Mark the front property corners and the center of the proposed driveway(s). You can paint the shoulder of the road or use stakes with ribbon so we can verify the available sight distance and drainage requirements at your preferred location.  It is the applicant's responsibility to make sure the driveway is on their property and satisfies the local property line offset requirements.

             2.  E-mail Highwaypermits@ongov.net to notify the Onondaga County Department of Transportation (OCDOT) property has been staked out. Please include the following:


  • Contact information: Name, Mailing Address, Daytime Phone Number, and E-mail
  • Property Information: Property Address (or location), County Route Number, Town/Village, Tax Map ID Number
  • Type of Access Permit being requested: Temporary, Field, Residential, or Commercial

             3.  OCDOT will confirm location meets minimum requirements.

             4.  If your preferred location doesn't meet requirements, OCDOT will determine the safest location or deny access if requirements can't be met.

             5.  OCDOT will notify applicant of results, required permit fees and deposit amounts.

             6.  Applicant must provide OCDOT with $1,000,000 Insurance Policy naming Onondaga County as additionally insured and Worker's Compensation Policy.

             7.  Applicant will print out Access Permit application (Form 1502-Rev.10/23) from website: http://ongov.net/dot/permits.html

             8.  Applicant completes first page of application except for the Reference:  Permit No. and

Official Use Only Areas.  Applicant signs and dates last page of application.

             9. If a new structure is being built, the Town's Code Enforcement Officer must sign and date        last page of application as well.

             10.  Access fees are as follows: 

                   Residential                                        $ 15.00/drive

                   Field                                                 $ 15.00/drive

                   Construction and Temporary               $ 25.00/drive

                   Commercial                                       $550.00/drive

                   Subdivision Street                              $900.00/street

                   Temporary Access Road or Street        $200.00/each

                    Required Deposit                              $500.00 (Returned after work is                                                                                         completed & OCDOT inspects)


             11.  Mail permit, deposit and permit fee (2 separate checks made out to "Onondaga County        CFO") to Onondaga County Dept. of Transportation, address below.   Include Tax ID# on checks.

                           Onondaga County Department of Transportation

                           Administrative Office

                           6230 East Molloy Road

                           East Syracuse, NY 13057  


             12.  Engineer will process and return approved permit to you.


Right of Way (ROW) Permits:  All other work in the ROW including modifications to existing driveways (widening, repaving, etc.) must fill out Work in the Right of Way Application (Form 1501-10/23).

               1.  Print application from Onondaga County Department of Transportation website: http://ongov.net/dot/permits.html

               2.  Applicant completes permit.  Please be sure to sign and date the last page of the

application before you send back.

               3.  Include a site plan or sketch showing the proposed work in relation to the center of the road

when you submit the application.

               4.  Applicant must provide OCDOT with $1,000,000 Insurance Policy naming

Onondaga County as additionally insured and Worker's Compensation Policy.

               5.  Fees vary per circumstance.  Please contact the department at highwaypermits@ongov.net

describing what type of work will be done.

               6.  The OCDOT will reply with Permit Fee and required Deposit Fee. (Deposit Fee will

be returned to you applicant after work is completed and OCDOT inspects.)

               7.  Mail permit, deposit and permit fee (2 separate checks made out to

"Onondaga County CFO") to Onondaga County Dept. of Transportation, address below. 

Include Tax ID# on checks.

                            Onondaga County Department of Transportation

                            Administrative Office

                            6230 East Molloy Road

                            East Syracuse, NY 13057

               8.  OCDOT will return approved permit.

Utility Permits:

               1.  Print copy of ROW Permit (Form 1501-10/23) from website: http://ongov.net/dot/permits.html

               2.  Mail or e-mail to highwaypermits@ongov.net:

                    a.  Signed copy of permit

                    b.  Plans

                    c.  Traffic Control Plans

               3.  OCDOT will review plans.

               4.  Fees vary per circumstance.  OCDOT will notify applicant of required fees & deposit amounts.

               5.  Mail deposit and permit fee (2 separate checks made out to "Onondaga County CFO")

to Onondaga County Dept. of Transportation, address below.   Include Tax ID# on checks.                      

                            Onondaga County Department of Transportation

                            Administrative Office

                            6230 East Molloy Road

                            East Syracuse, NY 13057


       6.  Engineer will process and return approved permit to you.


Special Permits for Road Closures:

               1.  Mail or e-mail to highwaypermits@ongov.net a letter requesting road closure.  Include dates and times.

               2. OCDOT engineer will contact applicant to work out details.


Special Haul Permits:

         1.  At least seven (7) days prior to the special haul, mail or e-mail to highwaypermits@ongov.net a filled out Work in the ROW permit along with the following information:

              a. Roads to be utilized for the planned route.

              b. Date(s) and time(s) of the special haul.

              c. Identify the height, weight, length, width, etc. of the load.

              d. Identify support vehicles to be used.

              e. Identify any subcontractors that will be used to assist the load.

              f. Provide contact information for all contractors and subcontractors.

              g. Insurance certificates

              h. A check for the permit fee ($40.00 One-time, $10.00 Amendment,

                 or $360.00 Annual) made out to the "Onondaga County CFO" and mailed to the

                 address below:       


                          Onondaga County Department of Transportation

                          Administrative Office

                          6230 East Molloy Road

                          East Syracuse, NY 13057

           2. An OCDOT engineer will review the permit application and contact the applicant to coordinate any specific details or changes.








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