Onondaga County
Department of Transportation
Administrative Office
6230 East Molloy Road
East Syracuse, New York 13057
Ph: (315) 435-3205
Fax:(315) 435-5744

It has been a long-standing County policy to not allow ditch enclosures due to the numerous problems it creates. It is a violation of New York Highway Law §136 for anyone to construct within the County's Road Right-of-Way without a permit from the County. Anyone violating this section shall be liable to a fine of up to $1,000.00 for each day of violation. |
Property owners having access to a County highway shall be fully responsible for maintenance of their driveway and channelization, including the portion from the highway right of way line to the outside edge of the highway shoulder or curb. This maintenance responsibility includes removal of snow and ice and keeping the portion within the highway right of way in a safe condition for the general public.
The property owner shall be responsible for the maintenance of ditches, pipes, catch basins, grates, detention ponds, and other drainage structures constructed in connection with providing access to his property, unless other legally binding arrangements, acceptable to the Department, are made.