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Meeting Minutes

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Meeting Minutes

Office of the Onondaga County Legislature
Court House, Room 407 * 401 Montgomery Street * Syracuse, New York 13202
(315) 435-2070 Fax: (315) 435-8434

Deputy Clerk



MEMBERS PRESENT: Mr. Meyer, Ms. Williams, *Mrs. Tassone
ALSO PRESENT: See attached

Chairman Plochocki called the meeting to order at 9:08 a.m. A motion was made by Ms. Williams, seconded by Mr. Meyer to approve the minutes of proceedings of the previous committee meeting. Passed unanimously; MOTION CARRIED. A motion was made by Mr. Meyer, seconded by Ms. Williams to approve the minutes of proceedings from the previous committee. Passed unanimously; MOTION CARRIED.

1.     WATER ENVIRONMENT PROTECTION: Tom Rhoads, Commissioner
        a.     Approving the 2011 Industrial Wastewater Surcharge

  • Bill one year late
  • Accrue costs; industrial users typically pay what they believe will be their actual demand
  • True up process – changes in accounts and how industry is being billed
  • $1.4+ million with small refund based upon an overpayment of a quarterly payment

Mr. Meyer noted that generally this goes down as years go by, and asked if any aberrations are being seen. Mr. Rhoads stated that there will be a change at Syracuse International Airport, based upon their de-icing fluids. In the latter part of 2011 there wasn’t a lot of snow or use of de-icing fluids. Also, the airport is looking at a fluid recycling program, sending less to wastewater system. There will be a lot of flow from the Honeywell dredging project — don’t have a lot of surchargeable load, but will have the industrial flow.

*Mrs. Tassone arrived at the meeting.

A motion was made by Ms. Williams, seconded by Mr. Meyer to approve this item. Passed unanimously; MOTION CARRIED.

        b.     Authorizing the Acceptance of the Westfield Trunk Sewer from the Village of Manlius for and on Behalf of the Onondaga County Sanitary District; and Authorizing the County Executive to Enter into any and all Agreements Necessary to Execute the Transfer

Chairman Plochocki noted that a hearing was held on this matter on Aug. 7th. This will help out the municipalities. In the past he has expressed concerns with the County taking on new trunk lines. Generally speaking, the County accepts any of these--questions if that should be the policy. There is a draft final sustainability plan in place, and there will be a broad discussion as to what the County’s role is regarding expanding its trunk lines. He is satisfied with the discussion occurring at that time.

Mr. Rhoads said that in order to make the way smooth between the village and the town, they have been able to get some state grant money. They have upgraded a piece of line, which the County would be taking – there was significant capital investments made by the village and town allowing the County to take over this asset without a tremendous amount of pain, suffering and maintenance responsibility.

Mrs. Tassone asked if the County takes over sewers from towns and villages often. Mr. Rhoads noted that this is a trunk sewer/conveyance – they are thinking about the larger policy through the draft sustainability plan and other discussions--what the best way is to have municipal sewer operations conducted throughout the county.

In answer to Mrs. Tassone, Mr. Rhoads said that typically pipes like this should last 100 years; this one has a light of life as it was completed replaced by town and village. The sewage is already being received by the county; sewer user fees are being received from this portion of the town. Mr. Plochocki asked, generally speaking, if a municipality asks the County to take over a trunk sewer, the answer was “yes”. Mr. Rhoads agreed.

A motion was made by Chairman Plochocki to approve this item, seconded by Mr. Meyer. AYES: 3 (Plochocki, Williams, Meyer); NOES: 0; ABSTENTIONS: 1 (Tassone). MOTION CARRIED.

        c.     Authorizing Acceptance of Grant Funds from NYS Environmental Facilities Corp. Green Innovative Grants Program and Authorizing Execution of Grant Agreements to Implement the Intent of this Resolution

Mr. Millea:

  • Result of partnership with S.U.; County knew S.U. was pursuing this grant opportunity in 2011; at the time there was a combined effort for public and private property
  • In interim, S.U. received another grant to do green infrastructure/improvements for parking facility at Center of Excellence
  • Grant is now directed towards public right of way—issues raised with grant agreement that gave pause – private institution doing work to a public ROW, agreeing to a maintenance clause for property S.U. does not own and is controlled by City of Syracuse
  • S.U. asked if the County would agree to do the maintenance for them
  • County proposed that S.U. give the County the grant and County does the project; will be done at Center of Excellence as proposed; S.U. gets same outcome. County will design it, County engineers review; vetted by WEP. Center or Excellence will have opportunity to review and sign off on it.
  • Similar to how County is doing Water St. project; Geddes St. project, Otisco St. project
  • County’s monetary benefit–County will invest about $90k in monies from budgeted project and grab $600k project
  • Significant win for County – get a lot of gallons of capture; real costs calculations will be based upon the local dollars investing and not necessarily the grant
  • As this wasn’t a project that was part of the County’s program, and SU championed it and secured the funds, this resolution amends the budget increasing appropriations for WEP to do this project using grant funds only
  • $90,000 local share out of Save the Rain; a be a bonus project; grant dollars only; no additional local dollars

In answer to Chairman Plochocki, Mr. Millea confirmed that County money will be spent on this, but noted that it was allocated in the resolution that authorized the funding for the Clinton Sewer shed in 2011. There is $38 million in the Clinton/Lower MIS Green Implementation Program; it is appropriated for the entire sewer shed – directed at green infrastructure. The $98,000 needed to facilitate this project will come out of the $38 million. It is not necessarily taking away from another project, but will expend the budget that much sooner because this is a good project to leverage those funds.

Mr. Meyer asked if the money is defined line by line in detail. Mr. Millea said that it is not; it is for green infrastructure projects within the defined sewer shed; two programs – money run through Green Improvement Fund program. In answer to Mr. Meyers; Mr. Millea said that it is approved as “one big pot of money”.

In answer to Mr. Meyer, Mr. Millea explained that the project is between Almond St. and Foreman Ave., on East Water St., on north side of street at Center of Excellence. It will capture all water from Almond St., Foreman Ave, Water St. and the parking area. Center of Excellence is putting in their own storm water controls, County will work with them. He is not sure if they are putting in porous pavement, but believes they are putting in bioretention around perimeter; not sure of existing conditions of their grant, as it is a different grant. Mr. Meyer asked where the water will go. Mr. Millea said that the County will build some surface infiltration, likely used Silva Cell technology. Mr. Meyer asked about design and timetable. Mr. Millea explained that it will be constructed in 2013. CH2MHill is on contract for the project; he does not have a budget and timeline, as this was just initiated in the last two weeks.

In answer to Chairman Plochocki, Mr. Millea said that the resolution is for acceptance of the grant and approving grant through WEP’s budget.

Mrs. Tassone asked that since the money is being used for this project, will the Legislature be asked for more money if the pot runs out. Mr. Millea said that their intention, expectation, and task are not to come back and ask for more money. The budgets presented in 2011 to the Legislature are complete budgets to get through the milestones of the ACJ. This is giving the County a free budget; if the County tried to do it on its own, it would have to spend all local dollars.

Mr. Rhoads noted that the FAMIS Index number is incorrect in the resolution and asked that it be amended to reflect FAMIS Index 480095.

A motion was made by Chairman Plochocki to amend the resolution to change the index number to 480095, seconded by Ms. Williams. AYES: 3 (Plochocki, Williams, Tassone); NOES: 0; ABSTENTIONS: 1 (Meyer). MOTION CARRIED.

Mr. Millea noted that he will work with CH2MHill and commit to giving a preliminary report on the project at the September Committees. In answer to Mrs. Tassone, Mr. Millea said that there is some pressure on the grant. S.U.’s counsel hesitates to sign the maintenance agreement. The County is comfortable signing it. The Governor’s office is putting a lot of pressure on departments that issue grants for the consolidated funding process. The Governor and his staff want to see action. S.U. got nervous because they were told that if they don’t sign the agreement, they will lose the grant. This is the largest green infrastructure grant that the EFC has ever done. There is a project check within the EFC; believes the City has granted access to this property. SEQR is already in place to the Clinton Lower MIS project. Once they get the check list, it will be sent to the Governor and construction will start in 2013. If this resolution failed to get through the legislature, he feels the State might consider rescinding the project.

A motion was made by Ms. Williams, seconded by Chairman Plochocki to approve this item. AYES: 2 (Plochocki, Williams); NOES: 0; ABSTENTIONS: 2 (Meyer, Tassone). MOTION CARRIED.

2.     METROPOLITAN WATER BOARD: Holly Rosenthal, Executive Director
        a.     Authorize a Public Hearing to Consider Recommendations of the Metropolitan Water Board to Amend the Currently Effective Schedule of Rates to be Charged for Water and Water Service Provided by the Onondaga County Water District

Chairman Plochocki noted that he would like to hold the September committee meeting at MWB and the October meeting at Honeywell.

Ms. Rosenthal:

  • Last year the water rates were brought to the legislature with the budget, so that when the legislature approves the budget, it also approves the rate change
  • Public hearing for proposed rate change of $.05
  • Mr. Millea said that by submitting this ahead of time, they are not asking the legislature to commit to the $.05 increase today; just asking to procedurally move forward and call for the public hearing. If there is a desire to strike the $.05, they are indifferent to it; the County Executive hasn’t signed off on the $.05 at this point.

Mr. Meyer asked what the impact to the budget and fund balance will be. Ms. Rosenthal said that this will allow them to cover expenditures for 2013. MWB has rates, which cover operating expenses, and any large capital projects are done on an ad valorem levy. The rate change is based on proposed 2013 budget. They proposed that the budget be close to breakeven; sometimes because of rate change, it generates some dollars in excess of proposed expenditures. Mr. Meyer asked if this rate change will get MWB to neutral or throw off money to fund balance. Mr. Millea said that they are absolutely trying to get to neutral. Ms. Rosenthal said that nothing is built into the budget for fund balance; they build money into the budget for capital projects.

Mr. Meyer said that fund balance is going down, and generally MWB will take some of the money during the year for minor capital projects. He asked if with increased sales this year, will some more of those projects will be done in the system. Ms. Rosenthal said that a robust program was approved last year (Comprehensive Asset Renewal and Energy), but a lot of that is done in a comprehensive way. Some of the funds in the operating budget will be used for things outside of that project.

Mrs. Tassone asked if another increase will be asked for next year. Ms. Rosenthal explained that it is their intention to have some managed, steady increase in the rate from year to year so they can continue to do the type of investment in maintenance that his required in the system. It is based on increase in expenses and small capital projects. Mr. Meyer said that an aggressive PM program and aggressive small capital program is a lot less money than breaks; feels this is a much better plan.
Chair Plochocki asked for clarification on calling for the public hearing--can a hearing be held for an amount different than what may be adopted. Mr. Millea said that the hearing would happen after the budget is submitted. They have worked with the Law Dept.; the public hearing will reflect whatever the rate is at that time. Mrs. Berger said that the resolution calls for a rate, but the legislature is not bound to a rate provided at the public hearing.

A motion was made by Mrs. Tassone, seconded by Mr. Meyer to approve this item. Passed unanimously. MOTION CARRIED.

Chairman Plochocki asked Ms. Rosenthal to give a brief explanation of MWB projects.

Ms. Rosenthal:

  • In process of complying with EPA regulations requiring covered storage
  • Building 2 – 15 million gallon tanks to replace 30 million gallon reservoir – construction started March 19th
  • Contractor is DN Tanks – low bidder
  • Western tank – complete floor poured; wall sections in; section of roof will be completed soon
  • 2nd tank has foundation completed, sections of floor poured

3.     LAKE IMPROVEMENT: Tom Rhoads, Commissioner
        a.     ACJ Update

Save the Rain Clean Water Fair

  • Sept. 22nd, 9:00-2:00 p.m. at Metro complex--kids oriented, Honeywell will be there, green and gray vendors; public education
  • Previously known as their open house; typically 100 visitors in past, no school groups bussed in
  • Rain barrel events – rain barrel give-aways and sales; working with Center or Excellence


  • Harbor Brook Treatment wetland – bids received, contract to be awarded soon – first use of modern green technology in treatment of a CSO permitted by NYS; monitored by SUNY ESF


  • Clinton (Trolley Lot) large project--2 city blocks long, currently 5 stories deep; complex construction; progressing on schedule

In answer to Mrs. Tassone, Mr. Millea said that rain barrels cost $94. Working with Bob Andrews, Madison County ARC; can sole source rain barrels through ARC with special designation from NYS. A company will plastic mold them, all made in America; pieces will come to Madison ARC and workforce will construct them. In 2009 an RFP was done for rain barrels; 900 agreed to through a vendor, waited until that was exhausted, now in a good position to benefit through the partnership with the ARC.

Mr. Meyer referred to the update and vacant lots, noting that the City of Syracuse is the owner of all projects, and asked if they will retain ownership. Mr. Rhoads said that the City will retain ownership of the lots. Mr. Meyer referred to the Hartson Street project and noted that the capture rate appears to be from the lot itself, not adjacent properties and asked that it be considered that the capture rate include the adjacent properties as well. Mr. Rhoads noted that the Hartson project is capturing the street and the lot. They are bringing street storm water out of sewer conveyance system and into an infiltration on vacant lot.

Mr. Meyer referred to the 224 Putnam Street project; asked for consideration in future projects that the gutters and downspouts of adjacent properties go into the lot; will be able to pick up easily another 1000 sq. feet. Also, offer an incentive to the two property owners – split the lot, each gets half the lot and they could put up about 20 ft. of frontage on their lot. He suggested the County put an easement on that lot so that they can’t build anything more on it. The City will not have to mow it and there would be property control. Mr. Millea said one approach is as a subset or parallel to the land bank is to have a land trust in place – where a private organization is really responsible – land trust could deed it over to the homeowners.

Mr. Rhoads noted that Nancy Stoner, Acting Assistant Administrator for EPA Office of Water, has been blogging about the County and how she identified with all other projects being accomplished.

The meeting was adjourned at 10:05.

Respectfully submitted,

Deborah L. Maturo, Clerk
Onondaga County Legislature

* * *




MEMBERS PRESENT:  Mr. Dougherty, Mrs. Tassone, Mr. May, Mr. Ryan

ALSO PRESENT:  See attached list

Chairman Holmquist called the meeting to order at 12:22 p.m.  A motion was made by Mr. May, seconded by Mrs. Tassone to waive the reading and approve the minutes of the proceedings of the previous committee meeting; MOTION CARRIED.

1.     EMERGENCY MANAGEMENTKevin Wisely, Commissioner

        a.     Amending the 2012 County Budget to Accept State Homeland Security Funds for the Onondaga County Sheriff’s Office and Authorizing the County Executive to Enter into Contracts to Implement this Resolution ($223,200)


  • Resolution to accept funds in the amount of $223,200; State Homeland Security Grant program for 2012
  • Total award for this region was $496,000; 25% for law enforcement
  • $372,000 split between Onondaga County and City of Syracuse – worked together and divided 60/40


A motion was made by Mr. May, seconded by Mr. Dougherty, to approve this item.  Passed unanimously; MOTION CARRIED.

Mr. May asked Mr. Wisely to talk about the past weekend event that was held. 

Mr. Wisely:

  • Full scale exercise in community; took almost year to plan/organize; test and practice all procedures, planning and equipment in community all at one time in one setting
  • 5 different exercise areas: 
    • Simulated terrorist event in former Kennedy Square
    • Simulated collapsed building and armed gunman in City of Syracuse (law enforcement critical for exercise)
    • Simulated plane crash at Hancock Airport (part of their tri-annual drill)
    • Activated Mercy Operations Center at Civic Center
    • Simulated a terrorist event of an organal phosphate being sprayed across an athletic field; Oswego and Madison County used their emergency services
  • 50 different agencies partook, 425 participants – very successful; City and County department heads, agencies reps, State agency reps
  • Learned a lot and will develop an after action report
  • Kennedy Square used law enforcement, SWAT operations, city police, sheriffs, Madison County sheriffs and SWAT
  • Used 174th Military for a military liaison, also requested military police for Kennedy Square
  • Opportunity to exercise training and abilities
  • Develop the report to learn and develop future exercises; enhance policies and procedures; enhance cooperation between agencies
  • Attempt to tax resources:  50 patients at airport, 75 at Madison County, 50+ at Oswego County, 6 at Kennedy Square
  • Stretched EMS services and hospitals; University and Crouse also tested their procedures
  • Airport does annual drills but tri-annually it’s an FAA and NTSP drill involving more agencies and volunteer agencies
  • Drill started Wednesday with law enforcement from NYS Intelligence Center - tested out license plate readers
  • Annually drills done in different components – first time all together in one event
  • Work with local towns and villages with their training as well
  • Large scale emergency or disaster – Emergency Operations Center is critical, having right people and resources
  • Intent to take report and develop Onondaga County and City of Syracuse training to make people aware of operations
  • Building block for small scale exercises; EOC is not needed a lot but intent to exercise it more often
  • EM took the lead on planning and coordinating the event; 25-30 person planning committee (rep from each agency)
  • Organization of people and/or resources coming from other communities, state or federal are coordinated out of Emergency Operations Center

Mr. Ryan requested a copy of the report.  Mr. Wisely agreed.  Mr. Ryan stated the legislature can help to maintain the strengths and change the weaknesses.  Mr. Wisely responded that he agrees, and his department will be working on an after action report.  Once this is compiled there will be an executive summary.  Mr. Wisely stated he would be able to give additional details and can make a presentation at a future meeting. 


        a.     Informational--Lightening Strike:  Bill Bleyle, Commissioner


  • Suffered a lightning strike on Thursday, July 26th; approx 4:49 a.m.; in vicinity of 911 center
  • Other than systems, no definitive point of entry into the building
  • Affected several critical systems:  phone system – not able to receive or make calls (some admin lines stayed intact); lost ability of radio consoles on the floor of center to connect with radio system (radio system was up and functioning)
  • Units in field were able to talk to each other, could talk to units in field using portable radios and mobile radios but the consoles for dispatchers lost ability to communicate with radio system
  • Computer aided dispatch system and power systems unaffected; primarily telephone and console radio system
  • Immediately recognized the need to evacuate the 911 center; no hazard but losing phones critical
  • Decision to evacuate to backup center; phones roll over to other counties; dispatchers established contact with public safety agencies to let them know the 911 center was being evacuated to backup center
  • 4:49 a.m. – slowest time of day; fortunate it occurred then, also not a lot of traffic – quick trip to move to other center
  • Syracuse and Camillus police came up to the center; Syracuse police assisted at backup center – made sure there was parking to get in quickly
  • Backup on hot standby; only one minute or two for people to log in; backup center online at 5:15 a.m.
  • Technicians came out to service radio and telephone equipment; Verizon responded quickly; United Radio sent a handful of people; Motorola service techs sent out
  • Sent Deputy Commissioner to backup center; Mr. Bleyle came to the main site focusing on restoration efforts
  • Working on time constraint; worse threat of weather in afternoon – worked diligently to ensure if there was an issue at the backup center, then they would be able to evacuate to the 911 center; goal to restore service by mid afternoon
  • Service restored by mid afternoon; full phone functionality; radio consoles repaired and connectivity restored
  • If something happened to backup center, would be able to go to the main offices; or operate the main site in tandem
  • Decided to hold off on bringing back the main people because lightening strikes can affect systems or cause surges well after – decision not to bring back until there was a burn period
  • More people working at 8 p.m. with no room at backup center, so they were put on the phones in the main center
  • Overnight no significant failures; by 8 a.m. Friday, systems were stable
  • Tested all systems; 1:30 p.m. Friday it was decided to bring people back to the main center with the evening shift
  • Center has functioned properly with no issues since
  • Concerned with why it occurred; 911 has suffered strikes before but not to this extent; unusual because the affect
  • Phone system has multiple feeds from different substations; odd that it affected both feeds at once
  • National Grid advised – within 490 milliseconds there were 5 lightening strikes
  • Typical strike is 15 kilovolt amps – first strike was 98 kilovolt amps and rest were above 15 threshold
  • Damage caused not at normal points of entry; expect antenna but no radio damage to those connected to antenna
  • Phone system:  copper and fiber lines, damage to fiber lines (glass which not conductive); copper lines unaffected
  • Motorola does not put surge protection on fiber lines; most equipment damage was inside the building
  • Looking for consultant; part of recovery operations; post mortem; how it occurred and how to prevent it
  • Nothing to do to protect from lightening; confident 911 systems are very good
  • Have had audits of ground system; most recent 2009 when added OCICS radio equipment
  • R56 audit – latest communications grounding standard; did pass on all sites, main center; no identified deficiencies
  • Consultant – what occurred, how it came in, how it may have been prevented, are there increases or improvements
  • Did not lose any calls and not aware of any major incidents; when at backup site everything was picked up
  • Running under emergency purchasing for consultant; found consultant and have price but waiting on purchasing for other potential vendors; would like services as soon as possible

Mr. May commented that Mr. Bleyle did a great job.  Mr. Bleyle responded to Mr. May’s question about the phone service that there are two fiber feeds that come into the building.  The emergency traffic is on the fiber feeds.  Each fiber feed goes into a multiplexer which converts light to volts.  Both multiplexers were lost which is where the physical damage was done on the phone system.  The multiplexers were fixed and only half the phone system was brought back up.  After the multiplexer there’s a switch that has a card which looked good and showed good, but needed to be replaced.  The phones where people actually handle the calls were not affected; it was largely in the back room where the fiber comes into the building.  Mr. Bleyle replied to Mr. May that there is redundancy, and an A and B side of the phone system.  The two sides go to different sub offices around the county.  Mr. Bleyle responded to Mr. Ryan that anything that goes through the multiplexer was down.  The administrative lines come in through copper lines and were unaffected. 

Mr. Bleyle commented that everyone involved did a great job.  Mr. Bleyle stated he will probably be back for funds.  The center is at 100% but all the bills have not yet come in.

3.     SHERIFF:

        a.     Pistol Permit Update:  John Balloni, Chief 

  • Attachment No. 1 – graph representing police positions
  • Pistol permits are backed up because of a shortage of personnel; 211 boots on the ground in July 2009 it was 244
  • Detective doing pistol permits, law enforcement work and detective work; put back to police division
  • Some of work is now being done by civil department; part time detective comes down and checks paperwork
  • What can wait?  Robberies, rapes, homicides can’t wait; a pistol permit can wait
  • Looked at system, what to do to change; Jim Craver from Personnel helped do analysis of the process to do a permit
  • Originally a County Clerk function, Sheriff’s Dept. took over at least 10 years ago; took their system and implemented
  • Rightfully so, pistol permits should be investigated
  • Looking at computerizing the system; either building a program or buying a program; found software in use in 18 other counties; decided to take current software to next level and make available on the internet
  • Internet allows people to apply online – eliminate calling and making appointment just for application
  • $71,000 request in 2013 budget to get this implemented
  • Software is existing with adding internet function
  • Most steps are duplicated efforts; roll person’s license through a typewriter to amend it; started going to plastic cards and photo IDs for permits rather than the standard typewritten
  • Tried to figure out if they could send things electronically to the judge which they can do; NYS Police cannot take anything electronic, it has to come in on paper; when developing program, will have to get prints to send to the State
  • Challenge of downsizing the division - found opportunity to improve process
  • Currently booking appointments for next May
  • NYS is in charge of pistol permits; everything has to go to them; process listed is the process from County Clerk
  • Some of the process is dictated; slow down for Mental Health checks – compare to their list of those who shouldn’t have guns; State cut position that compared the list – stopped doing it; would send in, took months
  • Sheriff now has the list and will do the comparison
  • People going through process are those that want to obey the law; not difficult to find illegal handgun
  • Process is making it unduly harsh on people trying to do right thing; willing to go through mental health check, fingerprints and pay for process but still takes 6-8 months
  • Can hurry along for those that need it for a job (security, etc); push them up but reality is they’re doing a bad job
  • Cut back on personnel; making reasonable decisions on where to allocate personnel
  • As CE says, at some point you end up doing less with less
  • Used opportunity wisely; next year’s budget will show the software money
  • Part time clerk currently doing pistol permits; Chairman asked about having another part time worker; person makes $15.01/hr; total cost with social security and unemployment $17/hr at 20 hr/wk for 52 weeks = $17,688; not in budget
  • Would like to have position in budget and person in place

Chairman Holmquist asked why the pistol permits are taking 6 months.  Lt. Caiella responded:

  • It is the process used; someone comes in, fills out forms and Sheriff’s have to data enter everything
  • Because of this, they can only handle so many appointments per day and week; been dropping back on how many appointments can be scheduled
  • Part time person will get more data entered – computer software should bring it from 6 or 8 months down to 1 or 2 months; time based on waiting for judges, people getting references back, mental health, etc

Chairman Holmquist asked if people are giving up because it takes so long, and are there more permits coming in.  Lt. Caiella responded that they do not track how many people stop going through the process and give up.  Chief Balloni replied that there has been a decrease in the number of permits processed each year.  Three years ago there was a full-time detective that expedited all the processes.  Late last year that detective retired, and the position was not filled with someone else on the road.  There was a small decrease last year and this year is down even more.  A couple years ago it was 682 processed, and year to date is 252 new applicants.  The amendments year to date is 1,355.  A pistol permit has to be amended whenever a person buys, sells or disposes of a weapon which is done through the Sheriff’s office.  A couple years ago there were 2,188 amendments. 

Chief Balloni responded to Mr. Dougherty that the only sworn position was the detective that retired.  Chief Balloni stated there has to be a sworn person who does the detective part of the job but there isn’t a need for a sworn person for most of the work.  Chief Balloni responded to Mr. May that they have outsourced a large portion of the investigative work, and there is no detective in the position.  There is a police officer that comes in part time to sign off on the paperwork verifying signatures, etc.  This is only an hour a day so there has been elimination of most of what the detective was doing. 

Chief Balloni:

  • Onondaga County was ahead of the state for reclaiming weapons from the deceased
  • Sheriff’s would receive a list of those that died - would compare it to people with permits
  • Letter sent to family stating law regarding the deceased’s guns, and how they can be disposed of
  • Part of how guns end up in illegal market; sit around house long enough; someone knows the person is deceased and had guns; break in and steal the weapons
  • Onondaga County was ahead of the rest of the country; those are some areas the department is falling behind on
  • Asked IT to make the check automatic so Sheriffs will get a list of those that died and had permits
  • Looking at automating any area when possible; will look for grant funds but will take time to gear up properly
  • If authorized for the money (for software) in the budget, hopefully will implement it in January
  • Already have a vendor they like; meantime put out an RFP – confident not too many systems like this out there
  • RFP process still a month or so; if authorized this month, would be looking at November to get the RFP back
  • Have not utilized a police officer for most of permit process; mostly clerical and police officer reviews paperwork

Mr. Ryan commented that he understands using clerical people instead of sworn officers if it’s going to make the process more efficient and save money.  As far as investigative work and pistol permits, he would feel better having a sworn person doing the investigative work when it comes to a gun.  Chief Balloni responded to Mr. Ryan that the person doing the background check is still a police officer but they lost the full time officer that was in that position.  Lt. Caiella stated that officer was also handling the gun retrieval.  Mr. Ryan responded getting the guns off the street is paramount to safety, and those weapons end up in the hands of those that do not go through this process.  Chief Balloni agreed.  Lt. Caiella stated they’ve been able to cover suspensions with the civil department but the deceased pistol recovery was done by the detective.  Chief Balloni stated if it was just a matter of recovering those that weren’t disposed of legally, that would be easy to do but there is a clerical process.  Chief Balloni agreed with Mr. Ryan that they are trying to civilianize the process where possible, and let an investigator do investigative work.  Chief Balloni commented they’ve had this mindset for years, and have civilianized a lot of the work. 

Chief Balloni introduced their consultant Richard Brady from Matrix Consulting.  Chief Balloni stated they are asking the company to come in and take a look at efficiencies of patrol operations.  Show the department how to allocate personnel (staffing study), what they are doing right or wrong, and optimum and minimum levels of staffing to accomplish the job.  The report will be sent to Public Safety committee, and the full legislature.

        b.     Tour:  Captain Pellizzari

The meeting was adjourned at 1:27 p.m.                                            

Respectfully submitted,

Jamie M. McNamara, Assistant Clerk

Onondaga County Legislature

* * *




MEMBERS PRESENT:  Mr. Meyer, Mr. Shepard, Mr. Jordan, *Ms. Williams

ALSO PRESENT:  See attached list


Chairman Liedka called the meeting to order at 9:35 a.m.  A motion was made by Mr. Jordan, seconded by Mr. Shepard to waive the reading and approve the minutes of the proceedings of the previous committee meeting; MOTION CARRIED.


Chairman Liedka took the agenda items out of order.


2.     Be Safe Initiative (Bath Salts Awareness and Education Initiative):  Patrick Kilmartin, Legislator


  • Preliminary plans – what will take place going forward
  • Anne Rooney, Deputy County Executive; Dr. Cynthia Morrow – comment on the work advanced in recent days/weeks
  • Positive progress – worked with CE and Dr. Morrow – reached out to experts with similar issues/framework on how it could be advancing in upcoming school year
  • Trainers/training for trainers to be best prepared; how to advance within school systems
  • Chairman Liedka reached out to a superintendent interested; Mr. Kilmartin has a superintendent within district 11
  • High level of interest; reps from poison control and prevention network – interest in participating, expertise needed


Dr. Cynthia Morrow, Health Commissioner:

  • Bradley Finn, Prevention Network; Gail Banach, Poison Control; Robert Long, Mental Health Commissioner
  • Bath Salts (attachment no. 1) draft to see where going
  • Bath salts are one type of artificial drug; concerned with synthetic marijuana as well
  • Today is bath salts; yesterday was marijuana; tomorrow could be different; talking bath salts but cover all potential
  • Bath salts - synthetic drug from kaht plant; mimic amphetamines; prior to last few weeks people could sell over counter
  • Causes significant harm; 2012 as of yesterday Poison Control received 341 calls about bath salts vs. handful in past
  • Call from medical providers with ill patients – readily available; cheap high; cause harm; not for human consumption
  • Sniffing, snorting, eating, mixing with water to inject; causes agitation, paranoia, elevated heart rate/blood pressure
  • Make sure people are informed; make sure they are not available in the community
  • Lot of changes at state and federal level – difficult to access but obligation to inform community; parents need to know


*Ms. Williams arrived at the meeting.


  • Health Dept issued cease and desist - went to facilities selling; then similar commissioner’s order for synth marijuana
  • Wanted to pass commissioners order - encompass bath salts and synthetic marijuana; different order because it added any similar compounds; broader approach to combat these poisons
  • More opportunity because it is now a violation of sanitary code; working with law to enforce
  • 2 phase plan; not enough capacity for training; first phase to increase trainers, have train the trainer events - open to community based and human service orgs; send a rep to be trained and then they can train those in their own facility
  • Dr. Morrow will send people for local resources; increase to meet demand of training
  • Second phase to work with educational institutions; spoke with Jody Manning, superintendent of OCM Boces, on slate for September meeting; spoke with other school officials – obligations in beginning; looking to roll out in Oct/Nov time
  • Meet with superintendents to hear what they would like; will guide it for most effective way to reach population
  • Offer different opportunities - Poison Control and Prevention Network work together to create webinars - target student pressure, parents (what’s a teachable moment, how to address, how to bring up), & faculty/school nurses
  • Webinar – schools to use whatever way important; introduce by telling junior class it’s a homework assignment; evaluation important; develop survey for webinar; measure its impact on education; primary route of educating
  • Also offer in person, staged events; model after H1N1 flu clinics; have districts work together for one stage event
  • Webinar allows for flexibility
  • Mr. Long has some schools with specific curriculum; health class more involved can use detailed curriculum Poison Control – because of survey and evaluation, need to make sure they have IRB approval (Institutional Review Board) and develop survey tool
  • Critical to get input from school districts – will be primarily utilized


Mr. Kilmartin thanked Dr. Morrow and the County Executive’s Office for their participation.  Mr. Kilmartin commented he knew it would be critical to engage with the school districts to make certain to develop a program that will be most effective and easy to use.  Also, that it can be utilized as soon as possible.  Mr. Kilmartin stated they can set a model with webinars to use in the future for the Health Department or Mental Health Department in the coming months or years.


Ms. Banach commented she is excited to be a part of the program and thinks it will be a great model. 


Dr. Morrow responded to Mr. Jordan that the initiative is for new information, and not to incorporate into existing curriculum.  Those decisions are not made at government level but at a school level.  What tools are best for them; school may say it is an important part of the existing curriculum, and make it a homework assignment.  Mr. Long commented there are a number of prevention programs in middle school and high school.  One key issue is that each school may handle it differently.  This fall there will be a blitz to get the word out, and over time will look at integrating this into existing programs whether it’s programs run by Prevention Network, programs by community services or programs within the schools.  There is a cost of $21,000 involved.  Mr. Long stated they have $5,000, but the remaining $16,000 they will come back to the Legislature to appropriate.  Dr. Morrow stated they are still doing an analysis of what they can do but it may be something that they will need to approach soon.  Mr. Kilmartin commented that part of the analysis was reference the cost of the program, and he was informed of the amount as of this morning.  He stated they will review and analyze the numbers, see if there are grant funds available, and as they refine the information with the school systems, they will come back to the committees. 


Dr. Morrow commented this is the drug of the day.  The cleverness of those manufacturing these drugs cannot be underestimated.  These are produced outside the country in factories.  It is important to realize whatever they do today should be flexible enough to be able to apply to the next drug of the day.  Mr. Kilmartin stated the investment is critical too.  As they analyze the numbers it appears on the surface it is worth undertaking.  If they can prevent one child, one individual from engaging in the substances, in terms of the man power (police, EMT, health), then it is a great investment to make.  The education program can be the first line of defense in school systems to prevent the spread of it. 


Chairman Liedka asked if there was any news on the responders and EMTs; either through the federal or state level reference how it puts responders in danger.  Mr. Finn replied that part of the initial team is involving Rural Metro in all discussions.  Poison Control is developing training for first responders as well; what to do to contain those under the influence.  There is a real concern for first responders because most trips are 20 minutes out in rural areas.  That is a small container to be in with people under the influence.  Mr. Finn stated they are also looking at medical professionals and emergency room physicians.  There is no way to test what the drugs are; continuously new analogs. 


Dr. Morrow introduced Dr. Jerry Hoffman, health care provider.  Dr. Morrow stated there are physicians that come to her and say that these are just something to be used in the bath, what’s the big deal.  When the fact sheet is developed, then they will use it to educate all sectors.  The first responders have a much higher risk, and the training is being developed for them as well.  Ms. Banach commented there was a forum held at OCC, and a group of first responders attended.  Out of 365 people who attended, 90 stayed after, first responders, to talk about issues, and what they have seen.  At a follow up forum the discussion was to move forward, and get back to the first responders to talk about the next steps.  In the meantime, Poison Control Center is on the road to talk with first responders.  There is another forum scheduled for mid September for first responders at Lafayette High School.  Sheriff Darby is heading that up. 


Ms. Banach responded to Mr. Jordan that part of the webinar plan is to incorporate it into their program.  The webinar will be helpful to HR specialists, health teachers, etc, and will talk about the drug itself and any symptoms.  Mr. Long commented the webinars will be available to the general public on the website.  Dr. Morrow replied to Mr. Jordan that the media at the meeting will help get the word out to more people.  Mr. Kilmartin stated they will work with the County Executive’s Office, media, school districts, Prevention Network and Poison Control; as well as physicians like Mr. Hoffman or EMTs and public safety officials.  Collectively they will utilize all forums to disseminate as much information as possible.


3.     HEALTH:

        a.     Informational--Bath Salts:  Dr. Cynthia Morrow


  • See agenda item 2

        b.     Informational--West Nile Virus:  Dr. Cynthia Morrow


  • Attachment No. 2 - fact sheet on West Nile; printed from CDC – updated (ignore the 2005 date)
  • Introduction of Kevin Zimmerman, Director of Environmental Health and Lisa Letteney, Health Department
  • Mosquito born infection; 80% infected don’t know they have it; based on serologic studies – test blood for antibodies
  • 20% will get sick; West Nile fever – flu like symptoms; 1 in 150 people infected get meningitis or encephalitis – affects brain or lining of brain; much more rare but devastating
  • Triple E (gets more news then West Nile) – more likely to die from it but extremely rare; confined
  • Cicero Swamp brings specific ecology breeding Triple E; comprehensive mosquito control program addressing both
  • West Nile this year – looking for mosquitoes in May; continue to look for larva early in season; set 19 traps in County; check once or twice a week; collecting early on
  • Submit those, separated by type (some bite birds or humans); send to State Health Department; they squish pools of mosquitoes and test blood to test for virus
  • This year – first positive West Nile in June; dealing with for summer; bad news
  • Good news - most traps in historically low levels; last week 515 mosquitoes in 19 traps; 2 years ago 11,000 mosquitos
  • Dry summer – low levels of mosquitoes but they have West Nile; no Triple E yet; recent pools negative
  • Warn – good heavy rain expect mosquito numbers to go up
  • Control – West Nile; early and wide spread activity; all northern parts of county; spray? No evidence; mosquito counts so low; only gets mosquitoes in air at time of spray; would be ineffective
  • What types of mosquito in traps; spring focus on Cicero Swamp and Triple E
  • Historically don’t spray; different communities and thresholds; widespread activity
  • Larva siting done - apply chemicals to kill while in larva state; start as soon as seeing larva since May
  • Continue to do for duration of season; primary mechanism of control for West Nile
  • Spraying for Triple E if there is enough indicators to say worth it

Ms. Letteny:

  • Larva – 800 sites within county; found standing water; add and take away based on geography; dip water and look
  • No larva then don’t treat, if there is, then treat; some cases use spray on in certain situations
  • Good up to 120 days; effective; in northern part with more mosquito activity – check sites more than once
  • Still use baby oil like product; still have vehicles with sprayers but no plans at this point

Dr. Morrow:

  • Take each situation as comes; analysis case by case; several positive pools years ago
  • Positive pools where there will be a lot of people (State Fair) – did do spraying
  • All positive pools widespread so can’t see doing truck spraying with today’s information
  • Because found with West Nile in one trap, doesn’t mean isn’t a risk a mile away; know lots of traps in an area infected
  • Today will be different then information in two weeks; today 515 mosquito in 19 traps in one week

Ms. Letteny:

  • Species - 8-10 different; 3 that typically carry West Nile or Triple E; June pool was Midler Ave
  • Process for Cicero Swamp - permit to be able to spray; DEC reviews carefully; where can spray and can’t; have to tell DEC when spraying; will observe what’s going on; have to prove not spraying those specific areas; State property
  • Can’t be preventative; have to have enough indicators; present numbers to Albany and they conquer

Dr. Morrow stated they’ve had a strong relationship with the State, and have not come to a situation where spraying was needed, and they didn’t agree.  The State and County understand each other’s parameters, and if there is a risk to the population, they will respect that.  It is important that there is a strong relationship.  Mr. Meyer stated people will see a mosquito on their screen or get bitten but those are not ones that carry disease.  Dr. Morrow stated they do not do comfort spraying, and agreed with Mr. Meyer that they need hard evidence.

Dr. Morrow:

  • Test people for antibodies – those are national surveys; not known if it’s lifelong protection
  • Certain diseases known only get once ever; others like Lyme Disease where one produces antibodies but is not protected; in 2 years, can get again
  • West Nile – not known of evidence of protectiveness; antibodies have some level of protection but degree not known
  • Influenza changes; need vaccination every year; likely if ever had a strain, some protection but new variants
  • H3N2 – circulating mainly around pigs; older people have some level of protection – preliminary info
  • Different level of response and protectiveness for different strains
  • Resources if there is a spike is a challenge; every season unpredictable; have resources for a spray
  • Have capacity for truck spray and larva siting in annual budget; have been years when spray more than once; have financial for one aerial spray; if need more aerial sprays, then come back for support; about $58,000 for one spray


Ms. Letteny responded to Mr. Jordan that the sprayers are different then they used to be.  It is a small droplet and can’t be seen unless through light; not what it used to be.


1.     MENTAL HEALTHRobert Long, MPA, Commissioner

        a.     Amending the 2012 County Budget to Accept Additional Funds from the New York State Office of Mental Health, and Authorizing the County Executive to Enter into Contracts to Implement the Intent of this Resolution ($960,279)


  • Appropriate $960,0000 – Comprehensive Psychiatric Emergency Program at St. Joseph’s
  • Funded through Medicaid program called Disproportionate Share; federal gov’t determined it can no longer be used for this purpose; state came up with funding to substitute in same amount to keep CPEP running
  • Difference – Medicaid billed directly by hospital; state aid comes through Health Dept., contract with hospital
  • Increase appropriation but no local dollars involved; retroactive to Jan 1 for this year
  • 2013 State increasing Medicaid rate for CPEP; will absorb some but still need for deficit funding; in 2013 budget in contracts line
  • DSH is 50/50 fed and state; originally designed for urban or rural hospitals that had disproportionate share; fed and state subsidy for inner city or rural for hospitals with lots with no insurance, on Medicaid or Medicare
  • Every hospital has more people uninsured, on Medicaid or Medicare; disproportionate share widely distributed
  • Periodically review what the states are using disproportionate share for; this not an allowable use
  • State replacing 50% fed money – total amount was 50/50 state and fed but now all state

Mr. Long agreed with Mr. Meyer who commented this is a very boots on the ground program, twenty-four/seven, and is basically an emergency room.  Mr. Long stated when St. Joseph’s built their emergency room, CPEP was located on the floor above, and so it is much more integrated now.  It does serve as an emergency room for psychiatric matters and addressing issues like those who have taken bath salts.  Mr. Meyer commented with the emergency room mentality, they do a fantastic job, are able to get people stabilized and back on track.  Mr. Long stated about 20% of the people that go to CPEP, end up admitted to the hospital, and the other 80% are stabilized, and returned to their normal lives.


A motion was made by Mr. Meyer, seconded by Mr. Jordan, to approve this item.  Passed unanimously; MOTION CARRIED.


The meeting was adjourned at 10:26 a.m.                                                      


Respectfully submitted,


Jamie McNamara, Assistant Clerk

Onondaga County Legislature


* * *


David Knapp, Chairman

MEMBERS PRESENT:  Mr. Holmquist, Mr. Kilmartin, Mr. May, Mr. Stanczyk, Mrs. Ervin, Mr. Jordan

ALSO PRESENT:  see attached list

Chairman Knapp called the meeting to order at 9:50 a.m.  A motion was made by Mrs. Ervin, seconded by Mr. Jordan to approve the minutes of proceedings of the previous committee; MOTION CARRIED.  A motion was made by Mr. Jordan, seconded by Mr. Holmquist to approve the minutes of proceedings of the previous committee meeting; MOTION CARRIED.


1.     EMERGENCY MANAGEMENT:  Kevin Wisely, Commissioner

        a.     Amending the 2012 County Budget to Accept State Homeland Security Funds for the Onondaga County Sheriff’s Office and Authorizing the County Executive to Enter into Contracts to Implement this Resolution ($223,200)

A motion was made by Mr. Jordan, seconded by Mr. Holmquist to approve this item.  Passed unanimously; MOTION CARRIED.


1.     WATER ENVIRONMENT PROTECTION:  Tom Rhoads, Commissioner

        a.     Approving the 2011 Industrial Wastewater Surcharge


A motion was made by Mr. Stanczyk, seconded by Mr. Jordan to approve this item.  Passed unanimously; MOTION CARRIED.


        b.     Authorizing the Acceptance of the Westfield Trunk Sewer from the Village of Manlius for and on Behalf of the Onondaga County Sanitary District; and Authorizing the County Executive to Enter into any and all Agreements Necessary to Execute the Transfer


A motion was made by Mr. Jordan, seconded by Mr. Holmquist to approve this item.  Passed unanimously; MOTION CARRIED. 


        c.     Authorizing Acceptance of Grant Funds from New York State Environmental Facilities Corporation Green Innovative Grants Program and Authorizing Execution of Grant Agreements to Implement the Intent of this Resolution ($819,000)


A motion was made by Mrs. Ervin, seconded by Mr. Stanczyk to approve this item.  Passed unanimously; MOTION CARRIED.

2.     METROPOLITAN WATER BOARD:  Holly Rosenthal, Executive Director

        a.     Authorizing a Public Hearing to Consider Recommendations of the Metropolitan Water Board to Amend the Currently Effective Schedule of Rates to be Charged for Water and Water Service Provided by the Onondaga County Water District


A motion was made by Mrs. Ervin, seconded by Mr. Jordan to approve this item. 


Mr. Stanczyk asked what the proposed increase is.  Mr. Millea said that last year the public hearing resolution was introduced in front of the budget.  It includes a $.05 rate increase--a place holder to hold the public hearing.  Per counsel, regardless of what the public hearing resolution says, the real discussion about the rate will be during the budget review discussion.  The MWB budget will be submitted simultaneously with the County budget.  This will allow the legislature to adopt the rate, at the same time it adopts the budget.  In answer to Mr. Stanczyk, Mr. Millea confirmed that the rates were raised the last two years as well, noting that it is capital that drives the rate.


Passed unanimously; MOTION CARRIED.

3.     MENTAL HEALTH:  Robert Long, Commissioner

        a.     Amend 2012 Budget to Accept Addl. Funds from the NYS Office of Mental Health, and Authorize the Co. Exec to Enter into Contracts to Implement the Intent of this Resolution ($960,279)


A motion was made by Mr. Jordan, seconded by Mr. Holmquist to approve this item. 


In answer to Mr. Kilmartin, Mr. Long explained that this was previous funded by Federal Medicaid; Centers for Medicaid and Medicare Services has decided that this service (CPEP) is no longer eligible for that funding.  NYS is funding 100% (instead of 50% Federal, 50% State).


Passed unanimously; MOTION CARRIED.

4.     PURCHASE:

        a.     Revenue Contract Report – NO REPORT

5.     SOCPA:  Don Jordan, Director

        a.     Renewing with Modification Agricultural Dist. No. 2, Towns of Marcellus, Skaneateles & Spafford

Mr. Jordan:

  • Ag Dist. Law provided that Ag Districts get renewed every 8 years
  • Notices sent to all property owners in district, asked if they want to keep property in district or add new property
  • Request to add 10 parcels--total of 494 acres; 24 parcels requested to be removed–183 acres; net increase of 311 acres
  • Ag & Farmland Protection Bd. reviewed it and recommend that the district be renewed with changes requested

Mr. Stanczyk questioned the OCWA land, which was in and is now being requested to be taken out.  Mr. Jordan explained that the districts were originally created in 1970’s and had to be contiguous areas.  The land remains in the district until property owner requests that it be taken out.  Land can be added every year; it can only be removed in the 8 year renewal period.  OCWA requested that their land come out; they received no benefit from being in the district.  They are seeing properties coming out now, where the owner didn’t realize they were in an ag district.  Mr. Stanczyk asked if OCWA’s property is vacant property or active land.  Mr. Jordan did not know.  Mr. Stanczyk asked to be provided with an explanation of what the OCWA property is.

Legislator Jordan asked for an explanation of the advantages and disadvantages of being in an ag district.  Mr. Don Jordan explained that there are many advantages for landowners that are actively farming their land:

  • Right to farm protection – if actively farming with generally accepted standards, and there are complaints about the operation, i.e. smell, etc., the land owner is protected through the ag district
  • Ag districts were formed to encourage land for agricultural production – a number of incentives and protections to encourage it
  • No direct tax benefit to being in Ag District.  Ag Districts Law created agricultural assessment, wherein a property owner does not need to be in ag district to receive the assessment – just need to meet requirements to get an ag assessment – need to apply annually for it

Mr. Stanczyk asked what the benefit is for being taxed on an ag rate.  Mr. Weber explained that parcels receiving ag exemptions are generally capped; i.e. if assessed for $2,000/acre, the ag assessment would only allow it to be taxed at $650/acre.  The agricultural district has nothing to do with the tax.  Mr. Stanczyk asked if there are many parcels in an ag discount that aren’t in ag districts.  Mr. Jordan said that there are.  In 2010 there were over 100 properties that were not in the ag district and receiving agricultural exemption.  Mr. Stanczyk asked if someone develops their property, is there a look back in terms of taxation.  Mr. Weber said that there is for the agricultural exemption, but not for the agricultural district.  Mr. May said that an owner is assessed at the agricultural value of the land, and development rights or infrastructure coming through is removed; it is assessed for its sole purpose.

A motion was made by Mr. Kilmartin, seconded by Mrs. Ervin to approve this item.  Passed unanimously.  MOTION CARRIED.

        b.     Approving the Inclusion of Viable Agricultural Land within Certified Agricultural Districts Pursuant to Section 303-B of the New York State Agriculture and Markets Law

  • Land can be added annual through open enrollment period – January 1 – Jan 30th.
  • Request to add 9 parcels -- 366 acres total
  • Ag and Farmland Protection Board has approved and recommends the parcels be added to the district

A motion was made by Mr. Kilmartin, seconded by Mr. Jordan to approve this item.  Passed unanimously; MOTION CARRIED.

6.     WAYS & MEANS MISC.:

         a.     Requesting the City of Syracuse to Amend Ordinance No. 111-2012 to Provide for County Representation on the Land Bank Citizens Advisory Board (Sponsored by Mr. McMahon, Mrs. Ervin)

Mrs. Ervin was notified that the there is an Advisory Board for the Land Bank, which consist of all city representative.  She questioned why there aren’t any County representatives, as it is a joint proposition.  The County does have representation on the Land Bank Board.  She discussed the concern with Chairman McMahon.  The inner circle of suburban areas needs to be represented on the advisory board to help make decisions about what will be sent to the Land Bank Board. 

In answer to Mr. Jordan, it was explained that there are 9 members on the advisory board right now by the City Counsel; this resolution will provide for 5 representatives from the County for a total of 14 members.

A motion was made by Mr. Kilmartin, seconded by Mr. Jordan to approve this item. 

        b.     Calling for a Public Hearing on the 2013 County Budget

A motion was made by Mr. Kilmartin, seconded by Mr. Jordan to approve this item.  Passed unanimously; MOTION CARRIED.

The meeting was adjourned at 9:07 p.m.


Respectfully submitted, 



Onondaga County Legislature


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