Matching student's emotional/behavioral needs
with effective targeted interventions.
- Social Emotional Success - Set clear behavioral expectations for all students and reward them when they meet the expectation.
- Team Work - School, family and community partnering together to identify children who may struggle in school with behavioral challenges and support them in doing better in school.
- Effective Interventions - Design a plan based on the strengths and needs of the youth and family, then monitor if the plan is working and make changes when necessary.
- Increased Access to Mental Health Clinicians - The Department is partnering with Helio Health and Liberty Resources to expand services so that each Syracuse City School and several schools in Onondaga County have a Mental Health Clinician in their building and on the Student Support Team. Click here to see if there is an Outpatient Mental Health Clinic partnering with your child's school.
Target Population: Students from Syracuse City School District and Onondaga County School Districts with emotional and behavioral challenges.
Referral Process: Each school has a team to support students with emotional or behavioral challenges. Teams usually consist of the School Principal or Vice Principal, Social Worker, Psychologist, the Promise Zone Support Specialist, and the outpatient mental health partner in the school (where available). If your child is experiencing challenges at school, call the Principal or School Social Worker to discuss how to partner together. For a list of schools and their contact information click here
Promise Zone is a partnership of NYS OMH, Onondaga County Department of Mental Health, Syracuse City School District, OnCare, Helio Health, Liberty Resources and Community Organizations.
For further information, contact Jennifer Parmalee. |