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Meeting Minutes

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Meeting Minutes

Office of the Onondaga County Legislature
Court House, Room 407 * 401 Montgomery Street * Syracuse, New York 13202
(315) 435-2070 Fax: (315) 435-8434

Deputy Clerk




SEPTEMBER 18, 2012



MEMBERS PRESENT:  Mr. Jordan, Mr. May, Mr. Stanczyk, Mrs. Ervin

MEMBERS ABSENT:  Mr. Holmquist, Mr. Kilmartin

ALSO PRESENT:  Mr. Meyer, Mrs. Tassone, Mrs. Rapp, Mr. Plochocki, Mr. Ryan, Mr. Shepard, Mr. McMahon, see attached


Chairman Jordan called the meeting to order at 9:11 a.m.


PARKS & RECREATION DEPARTMENT; William Lansley, Commissioner


  • Introductions:  Nate Stevens, Administrative Director; Bob Ellis, Park Superintendent III; Kim Hall, Administrative Officer; Janet Agostini, President of Friends of the Zoo; Mary Harkola, President of The Friends of Beaver Lake; Frank Mento, Chris Mullin and Laura Cassalia of CHA Design and Construction


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  • Commemorative check from Rosemond Gifford Zoo – Presented to County in honor of 31,239.5 volunteer hours with an average value of $850,244.00; volunteers that are not paid, not included in budget; in honor of their efforts


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Mr. Millea:

  • An accompanying bond resolution to budget as listed in CIP for parks, roads, trail paving - $1.265 million
  • Use to continue work on east and west side trails
  • Also, specifically to move forward in 2013 with design services for bridge over CSX railway at southern end
  • Not asking the legislature to fund the construction, but want to get process underway; might have fed money available
  • If project were designed in 2009, confident it would’ve benefited from fed stimulus plan; state grants may be available
  • Want legislature to endorse complete design of shuttle ready bridge project at south end of Onondaga Lake Park

Chairman Knapp stated from a personal standpoint, Parks are one of the jewels in the County; especially with the current economic situation.


Mr. McMahon:

  • Legislature supports Parks a great deal as seen with capital investments going on now
  • Concern with revenue projections; reference 3 million users; great ability to monetize; projections down from 2011 and taking further hit in 2013

Mr. McMahon requested from Mr. Morgan the year to date revenue numbers from the Parks Department, to compare and contrast the 2012 number, and also an explanation of why the estimate has a $400,000 decrease in Parks revenue.  


Mr. Lansley:

  • First budget 2009 - built in, lot of rate changes/fee changes; none since; very aggressive - Parks didn’t hit numbers
  • This year with weather and new features, Parks is hitting the numbers
  • Next year, if doing updates to the Zoo, there will be a lot of construction which will impact the revenues
  • Tried to right size the revenues, too aggressive in past, reason hitting this year - weather, beaches in good shape
  • Zoo year to date up over $150,000; trying to accurately reflect the revenues anticipated in a normal year

Mr. McMahon commented the department has to have a real plan and strategy to monetize in outgoing years; how to hit revenue numbers to help offset debt service increases.  Eventually what will happen is the department will run into issues down the road where it is unfeasible to think the Legislature will improve and increase budgets every year without making cuts.  There is an opportunity here.  The Legislature needs the accurate revenues.  There should be a real plan that investments in Parks are warranting more revenue and more people.  Mr. McMahon would like to commend Mr. Lansley because the parks are in great shape.  Chairman Knapp requested Mr. Lansley go back three years by park with revenues to see which ones are up, down or stable. 


Mr. Stanczyk:

  • Always discussion of who should pay for parks services; If paying $12 mil for 2013, calculates $24/person in County
  • When times are difficult, attendance/entry should be kept at a bare min; use of park facilities should be revenue


Mr. Stanczyk requested information regarding the lodge at Highland Forest.  How much was spent on the lodge?  How much is the County paying going forward?  How much revenue is the County receiving from rental of the lodge?  How much are the ongoing costs the County will have?


Mr. Stanczyk:

  • Spending $1 million on parking lot; hard to understand how County will get 10 cents back on million
  • Zoo – different function then Parks; always kept together; Parks Admin/Zoo Admin


Mr. Lansley responded to Mr. Stanczyk that he believes there are 44 people who work for Friends of the Zoo, and 44 full timers from the Parks Department.  Ms. Agostini stated there are 25 employees of Friends of the Zoo.  Mr. Stanczyk asked where the revenues from the Zoo go.  Mr. Lansley responded the admission goes to the County.  Mr. Stevens replied to Mr. Stanczyk that the revenues are under the 037 code for the Zoo, and he believes it is around $1.1 million. 


Mr. Stancyzk:

  • 10 or 15 years ago, no employees for Friends; org grown every year; still ongoing support from County
  • Blended operation, with both County and Friends spending money
  • Zoo - $6.50/ person but sign up for Friends of the Zoo, get yearly pass – Friends takes that money; revenue source
  • Running down dual path – have not justified either County run or Friends run; Friends are running zoo
  • Why does Zoo function get interdepartmentals and employee charges?  County hasn’t made decision; needs to be time spent to come to conclusion; decision made should be for Friends
  • Fund Friends a dollar amount, currently the revenue stream and organization gets bollixed up; not a normal park
  • St. Marie run as a park – not a park; it’s a historical facility; misnomer; not enough people to justify expenses
  • Enough new people to understand this isn’t the normal operation; models where run very well with org being involved
  • Commissioner’s duties more focused on parks they have, if Zoo run by itself
  • Would love consolidated budget; County share probably not even half the story

Mr. Stanczyk requested a budget from the Friends with the County budget to present a true budget of the Zoo.  Mr. Stanczyk commented the Zoo is not running the way it should run.  If someone wants to purchase a yearly pass from Onondaga County, they cannot; only through Friends of the Zoo.  Mr. Knapp stated he would be interested in the Friends budget as well.  Mr. Millea agreed, and stated the County Executive did include in the fund balance budget $125,000 to partner with the Friends group.  Friends has committed to raise an equal amount to launch a strategic initiative to follow exactly what Mr. Stanczyk is saying.  In talking with the Friends group, it was thought the best way to do this was through a coordinated master planning process which would include how to transition the Zoo permanently to the Friends group being the sole operator of the institution, and running it as a conservancy as seen in other instances throughout the nation.  There was a report done last year by Maxwell students which showed it is possible, and it will take time.  Mr. Millea would appreciate the support in the funding to have professionals come in and create a plan so next year he can come back with concrete plans on how to make it happen.  It should turn into a community subsidy for a Friends operation.  They do a tremendous job, and the board’s commitment to the facility is unparalleled. 


Mr. Jordan stated he would like to thank Mr. Lansley and the Parks Department.  Parks are a great asset to the community and improve the attractiveness of the community.


Mr. Jordan requested a breakdown of how the 950 lines are comprised.  Where are the transfers going?  What are they for?


Answers to Mr. Jordan’s questions:

  • Mr. Seitz:  103 can receive all benefits based on number of hours; factored in employee benefits line; avg 61%-62%
  • Mr. Millea:  Majority of 103 in Parks don’t receive; Mr. Lansley:  Very few receive benefits; most are seasonal help
  • Mr. Seitz:  Benefits include health retirees cost; 103’s can sign up for retirement; pay FICA, allocate workers comp, and disability; may not get health and dental based on hours work/week
  • Jamesville Park – 101 is $53,000, benefits are almost $80,000; Mr. Seitz:  Can be retirees from Park
  • Mr. Stevens:  Non real property tax decrease of $200,000 - scoreboard at stadium not in 2013 budget
  • Mr. Stevens:  Most admissions revenue in 037 line - 2010 proposed price increase, didn’t alter in 2011; now full year of data and revising; 2012 will be good year; stuck between 2011 numbers/2012 YTD; driving projection is weather
  • Mr. Lansley:  Commissions down $10,000, change in catering at Oneida Shores; had preferred caterers which limited public; this year forwent commissions; rent the lodge and bring own caterer; increase rental of facility
  • Mr. Stevens:  037 down; believe it reflects Hopkins Road; expenses less/revenue less; $120,000 - $130,000 lost
  • Mr. Stevens:  Saved over $100,000 due to Hopkins Road; saved expenses by not having to run the Park
  • Parks Historical Budget, $35,544 tripling in 2013 to $93,108; Mr. Lansley:  Interdepartmentals moved that number
  • Mr. Stevens:  Referring to Hopkins Road question earlier; see completed cost savings slide; net bottom line improved from ($118,000) in 2011 to ($18,000) in 2012; saved $100,000

Mr. McMahon commented no one can say revenue will be down because it may not be a great summer next year.  The only thing to do is look at historical data, and the historical data from 2011 shows revenues of $2.3 million.  In 2012, because of the success of Parks, Mr. McMahon estimates it will be close to $2.3 million if not more.  Mr. McMahon stated if he were doing the math and takes into consideration the adjustment for the Hopkins Road revenue, then that number is not $1.976 million.  That number should be higher, and the focus should be on the right revenue numbers.  The Legislature does not want to see surpluses of $10 - $14 million coming into the general fund because that means the County has overtaxed its constituents.


Mr. May requested a 3 or 4 year comparison of Alliance Bank Stadium and Hopkins Road, for a clearer picture of how things have changed.


Mr. Fisher commented that Parks has been a leader in breaking out their budgets.  As the County moves forward with PeopleSoft and the new budget software, the detail that was in program profiles doesn’t go back that far because the County did not budget at that level in a form that was tracked as the year went along.  Parks started breaking out their budget by park two years ago so they may not have the data from a few years back.  All the departments will start to budget at that level of detail so the Legislature and other policy makers can see the comparison.  Mr. May responded that he will take two years or whatever is possible.  


Answers to Mr. Jordan’s questions:

  • Mr. Lansley:  Historical budget is for Salt Museum and St Marie; increase in wages – closed to renovate the facility; volunteer effort has gone away; supplement with 103; supplies/materials as well as utilities up - now open year round with Soil and Water, added $10,000 to bottom line to offset utilities
  • Mr. Stevens:  Prof services decrease, reallocation to personnel; contract internship programs that were reformatted and now paying on 103 or 101 payroll; 408 had funding for Emerald Ash Borer beetle, not funding next year
  • Mr. Stevens:  Direct revenue decrease $700,000 – will go into revenue analysis asked by the Chairman

Answers to Mr. Meyer’s Questions:

  • Mr. Lansley:  Beaver Lake interns - should be paid on payroll; transfer prof. services intern to paid service, 103 line
  • Chairman Knapp:  101 salary savings shows $97,253
  • Mr. Stevens:  Went position by position; some part time on 101 payroll; Safety Officer and Director of Parks Planning and Development are filled but part time
  • Mr. Stevens:  Every park has 103 plan; tough to predict, 103 tend to be highly mobile; next year’s number increase
  • Mr. Stevens:  Highland Forest 103 higher and 101 lower; employee transferred, replacing with part time
  • Mr. Lansley:  Marketing fund is online presence, website maintenance, seasonal guides, newspaper, print cards
  • Mr. Stevens:  Material and supplies – biggest increase is Zoo; animals, animal food increasing
  • Mr. Lansley:  Travel and training has ranger training including fire arms, CPR and first aid; life guards/camp counselors need CPR and first aid; rangers have to be recertified each year including fire arms, CPR and first aid
  • Mr. Lansley:  Training at air base; fire arms has ammunition charge; lot of hours employees go to mandated training; Lifeguards next biggest expense, first aid and CPR

Mr. Meyer requested more information regarding the travel and training line for Parks.


Chairman Knapp asked what the dollar amount is for advertising, and where is it listed in the budget.  Mr. Stevens responded on the grants budgets page there are four items.  There is $68,900 for ROT, revenue from flood clean up (reimbursement from FIMA) for $35,000, snowmobile grant Parks is a pass through for, for $100,000, and the Loop the Lake grant for $75,000. 


Mr. Lansley agreed with Mr. May that he hopes the additional 103 will help to offset overtime expenses. 


Mr. Stevens responded to a question from Mr. Meyer earlier reference the professional services line and what the three biggest items are.  Mr. Stevens stated the Zoo has a line share of the 408 code.  The three biggest items are veterinary medicine, veterinary diagnostics line and Northwest pathology line to take care of the animals. 


Mr. Lansley responded to Mrs. Rapp’s questions reference St. Marie and OHA:

  • Talking with OHA to assist in operations; OHA acquired artifacts there; no curatorial staff; given artifacts to manage
  • Long term looking for OHA to partner with St. Marie – static museum in need of upgrades; hasn’t changed since inception; OHA has great ideas to manage
  • Will have maintenance of building, convenient to do so; facility undergoing maintenance, new roof; not tremendous amount of capital from County or Parks
  • Mr. Millea:  2012 expense; those project advanced already; great progress in capital improvements including new roof; facility looks up to date; overture on OHA part to do this
  • Mr. Fisher:  $75,000 in surplus ROT from 2011 available to OHA based on them raising matching amount; CFO of County only doles out when their share proven; can propose next year but not asking for commitment this year
  • Mr. Fisher:  Similar with King of Trucks - on their own; gave two years; not ongoing appropriations
  • Mr. Millea:  St. Marie will evolve with OHA partnership; good time to highlight appropriation in budget; put together plan for future of lake front, and what happens to St. Marie in the long run

Mr. Stevens responded to Mrs. Ervin that there are 100 funded positions, and 110 total on the roster.  The extra ten positions are vacant and unfunded because the current needs do not necessitate them being filled.  If circumstances were to change, Parks may need to fill them.  Mr. Stevens stated an example is the Recreations Supervisor at Hopkins Road Park which is unfunded but if something went wrong with the vendor, they may need it.  Mrs. Ervin requested a listing of the funded and unfunded positions.


Bill Lansley responded to Mr. Meyer’s questions reference the cemetery:

  • Number of spaces in cemetery growing; $18,500 - $14,000 in 103; plan to add superintendent; one retired in early retirement; adding laborer; moving from 103 to 101 for more support staff; supervision done part time - need full time
  • Asking for 3 positions; supervisor part time capacity; more graves, more maintenance; cemetery doesn’t close; cleanup; memorials; snow removal; keep areas open for burials
  • Will work on getting numbers for heads in beds and tourism; data on webpage
  • Iron Man can give how many people come from out of state; Bass Elite – almost 100% out of state, regional, Oneida Lake top fishing area

Mr. Meyer asked Parks to explain the $125,000 for an all star game.  Mr. Morgan responded there is $125,000 proposed to support the CVB in working with the Chiefs to secure the Triple A All Star game. 


Mr. Stevens answers to Mr. Jordan and Mr. Knapp:

  • 410 line – Discovery Guide printed every other year; this year $23,000 – under recreation division budget
  • Grant budget - spending of $68,900 from ROT money; goes to professional services; 4 components:  ROT, flood clean up, snowmobile grant and Loop the Lake; ROT revenue in 859005; revenue spent somewhere - 408
  • Spending on promotions, website, more detail if necessary

Mr. Jordan requested a breakdown on the 410 lines.


Mr. Lansley’s responses to Mr. Jordan questions reference capital projects:

  • Most capital projects are out to bid; projects done in house, had a budget and stuck to; few project have to get to
  • All are administered and assessed through Parks; did bid process; hire company to do work within budget
  • Within entire CIP of $3-$4 million, dedicated $850,000 to do within Parks system; nothing that needed major engineering; on budget
  • Larger projects with engineering, coming to 75/85% complete and put out at winter; depends on bids, can scale down; can take components out
  • Within $850,000 – several came in under budget; all in small thousands to 10’s of thousands

Mr. Jordan requested a breakdown of the capital projects that came in under budget as well as where the excess funds go to.  Mr. Lansley responded the excess funds would have gone to projects put by the wayside.  Some projects are 3-5 years old; and there are $8 million of internal projects that need to move forward but are not critical at this point.  Mr. McMahon requested a breakdown of how much money is left in the project account.  Mr. Millea commented the authorization approved in the 2012 budget process for the CIP was $8,000,020.  Mr. Millea stated they are trying to spend the money as cost effectively as possible, and that is built on the fact that there are needs that fall far beyond the $8 million.  There is always something to do, so if a project that is $60,000 comes in at $50,000, then the $10,000 will go towards something else.  The budget established was $850,000 for the preventative maintenance projects in the Parks system, and the remainder of the funding is going towards the larger capital projects which Mr. Lansley mentioned in the handout.  Those projects are being managed to the $8 million budget.  Mr. Jordan commented that the tax payers never realize any savings.  Instead of taking any excess money and giving it back, it is used on other projects that the Legislature is not aware of.  Mr. Millea replied the $8 million for Parks was approached very broadly with the Legislature deliberately, and it is not the norm.  There was $20 million in deferred maintenance and capital needs at Parks, and the $8 million in funding was to do as much as possible within that budget.  It was not a specific list with specific budgets.  Mr. Millea stated they did not come to the Legislature stating they want to do the Zoo entryway, and anticipate it costing $1 million.  There were changes to the project, preliminary assessments of the concrete, and a program manager had ideas for an entryway project that would change the character of the Zoo.  Mr. Millea stated Parks comes here today to show the visuals, and it has not gone to bid yet.  Mr. Jordan commented there has to be a dialogue in terms of what was originally budgeted for, what it is going to cost, and what the plan for the savings that are realized is.  Mr. Millea stated he will get a project by project listing of the $850,000 that was invested within Parks preventative maintenance, and dialogues on the bigger projects.  Mr. McMahon commented if there is savings and a want to reinvest them, then the Legislature needs to be a part of that process.


Mr. Lansley and Mr. Stevens’ responses to Mrs. Rapp’s questions reference the roster:

  • Personnel expense still below 2007; been through tough couple years; not asking for all positions back
  • Asked based on research of what can be done; what friends help with; senior staff level positions
  • Most severely hurt in management department; creating Deputy Commissioner; Parks Superintendent 2 (Onondaga Lake); Budget Analyst 2; funding Director of Recreation
  • Park Superintendent 2 at Onondaga Lake Park; job analysis from personnel; complexity of job; same position at Highland Forest (overseeing Jamesville, Pratts Falls and Highland); should be 2 not a 1; doing work of three parks
  • Commissioner job – past was Director of Maintenance, Director of Security, Director of Recreation, Director of Planning and Development, Parks Superintendent, Parks Superintendent at Stadium (unnecessary)
  • 3 people in Parks absorbed all those positions; part time Director of Planning working out
  • Part time Parks Superintendent for cemetery/hatchery difficult; taken over management and administration directly
  • Current part time person works 2 days a week; not working as effectively as they wanted; cemetery - questions and sensitivities, would like full time to deal with on regular basis
  • Deputy Commissioner - policy driven; works with Parks groups; office automations; 125 full time to 100 put a cramp

Mr. Lansley and Mr. Stevens’ responses to Mr. Meyer’s questions:

  • Veteran’s cemetery also handles Loomis Hill; burials fee that DSS pays to perform
  • Maintain entire facility with staff up there; historically never have received money for maintenance
  • There is no money behind identification and forest management personnel
  • Did assessment of all properties; identified tree lots and stands, value of wood; assessment for Spafford done
  • Report showed acres, percentage of trees, not actual; continue identifying trails - select proper mgt and cutting
  • In past 30 days did last cutting at Highland forest; no real marketable value at Spafford
  • Constantly talking with contractor on what’s available; day to day price of wood
  • Management plan for Highland Forest, Spafford and Pratts falls; ash tree assessment at On Lake
  • Not much forest-able at Onondaga Lake; Oneida shores has limited area of woods - not sure if wood is good; most of Oneida shores is cleared space; the parks can be reviewed every once in a while
  • Income numbers after assessment; none in budget now; when market is good for wood then attack
  • Mr. Coburn will present tomorrow on ash trees and borer; lots of ash trees in Onondaga Lake Park but not grown in tree stands; able to grow twisted and bent - those trees not much value; some in Highland Forest to address
  • All special events accounts have budget; all break even or make nominal amount
  • Marginal cost event; Beaver Lake cost $1,000 for 103 for a weekend, Golden Harvest will be $5,000 – then $4,000 expense billed to special events; use revenue to offset that expense; doesn’t include interdepartmentals


Mr. Lansley responded to Mr. Jordan that the Veterans Cemetery 101 line went up from the refilling of the superintendent position, and the addition of a laborer.


Mr. Lansley responded to Mrs. Rapp that the Alliance Bank savings were not only in utilities but also salaries and supplies.


Responses to Chairman Knapp’s questions:

  • Mr. Lansley:  Update on Alliance Bank – don’t have anything on purchase; no indication from Chiefs; special events acct went from 10 – 74 events this year; new caterer
  • Mr. Fisher:  heard recently Chiefs are interested but not sure if possible in 2 years; want to discuss possibly extending deadline; saved $700,000; 2013 vs 2010 actual $964,468; local this year $281,667 which will go away with sale
  • Mr. Fisher:  Discussions ongoing; Chiefs interested in having Jazz Fest
  • Mr. Lansley:  Iron Man will be next year and indicate will continue; giving them 3 additional years
  • Mr. Stevens:  Recreation department does public relations for Parks; help out with events
  • Mr. Lansley:  5-91 Parks tech budget; 3 carpenters that do carpentry throughout Parks
  • Mr. Lansley:  101 – transferred carpenter from Highland Forest to Onondaga Lake Park


Mr. Lansley responded to Mr. May that the community use days went from 10 to 74 this year.  Mr. Lansley stated they have a list he can send over.  The Chiefs have college summer league games, Men’s Senior Softball Sectional High School ALS Tournament, City Baseball League, East Coast Pro Showcase, Challenger Baseball, Women’s Professional Baseball, anticipating Beer Fest and proposing a haunted house.  0


FACILITIES MANAGEMENT; Duane Owens, Commissioner; Archie Wixson, Deputy Commissioner


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Mr. Millea commented that Mr. Owens jumped in at a busy time, and Mr. Owens and his team are doing a great job putting an effort forth.  Following the discussion with Parks, this is the other approach.  It is very specific about what the project is, coming in for the design work funding first, doing a full analysis, structural design, and then coming to the Legislature to discuss a potential budget.  Facilities is not assuming the Legislature will approve all the projects but would like resources to do the studies and design.  Then set specific budgets based on designs, and seek bonding resolutions to do construction.  County Executive did not agree to advance all projects from a funding perspective, but think it’s important ($16 million improvement at Court House) to entertain the discussion.  Mr. Millea stated he is not sold on the project himself but the Executive Office believes it’s important to do a full study of the needs of the Court House.  Chairman Knapp stated he would rather think about it while there are still a couple years instead of needing it now.


Mr. McMahon stated the planning element is important so the Legislature can forecast out.  Mr. McMahon commented that Commissioner Owens comes in with a nice tight budget. 


Ms. Hajski’s responses to Mr. McMahon’s questions:

  • $4.4 million under maintenance/utilities/rents – service contracts, repairs, and utilities for mailroom machines
  • General govt support down $400,000 – 2012 abstract with city; legislature approved funding for PSB elevators


Mr. Jordan requested a breakdown of the 495 line for clarification of interdepartmental transfers and charges.  


Ms. Hajski responded to Mr. Jordan that when Facilities sends the abstract off to the City for the PSB, it is based on an estimated adopted budget.  After the year is over, the adjustment needs to be made for actual expenses, and at times there is lower utility costs or supply costs.  There will always be an adjustment to the City for the prior year.  Mr. Jordan asked if there is a half million dollar savings that is now being passed onto the City.  Ms. Hajski responded some of the money may be the PSB elevators that were asked for in one year.  Mr. McMahon commented instead of paying cash to the County, they charge it to the tax payers via the abstract.  It is not a reoccurring expense.


Mr. Owens and Mr. Wixson responses:

  • Do not take care of all facilities but significant portion; do not have all Parks carpentries
  • Support every skill trade and building improvement, short of carpenters on staff
  • Philosophy - opportunity to provide better service with skilled trades; DOT, Metro, carpenters at Parks, Jamesville
  • Very good team at managing skilled trade; do great job; more efficient and effective then outlying service departments
  • Sub grade National Grid vaults – within footprint of property, responsible to maintain it; inherited in early 70’s
  • CIP – request bids for study and design projects; can provide them


Mr. Millea stated designs for professional services are typically handled through requests for proposals.  So the department would seek a limited budget to do design services, do a request for proposals to hire a design firm to get to the next phase, come before Legislature with design plans and specs close to biddable with preliminary budgets, and then seek to amend the bond resolution for the projects at which time they would bid the project.  Mr. Millea stated they won’t know who they will award the design contracts to until there is a budget in hand, and they are able to do an RFP for the projects.  Mr. Millea responded to Mrs. Tassone that the study is RFP’d through the conventional procurement process. 


Responses to Mrs. Rapp’s questions:

  • Mr. Morgan:  $1.1 million budgeted into fund balance resolution for provision of capital
  • Ms. Hajski:  overtime cost increase attributed to wage increases from last couple years; good snow removal year this past year but anticipating the County may get hit hard this year
  • Salary savings of $207,304
  • Mr. Wixson:  Construction Manager saved $430,000 – percentage typically based fee of overall value of construction project; next year very similar savings; list of projects to dedicate efforts to construction manager
  • Mr. Wixson:  Not all out of fund balance; some out of capital plan; specific projects to move forward with Construction Manager in house position; starting this fall with 2012 CIP funds don’t anticipate completing til 2013 or further down


Mrs. Rapp requested a list of the projects.  Mr. Owens commented the position lends itself to other County departments that have CIP’s.  They can call Facilities, and utilize the construction manager. 


Mr. Plochocki complimented the last year of work Facilities has done, particularly the interior work, was phenomenal.  Mr. Owens responded to Mr. Plochocki that the most vital of the CIP’s is the completion of the renovation of COB, and the TA intake.  Both projects effect the downtown Civic Center and County Office Building. 


Mr. Jordan requested a breakdown of what savings have been realized on all CIP done this past year; what was estimated or budgeted, and what the project came in at.  Mr. Jordan requested a breakdown of how the savings of $430,000 was calculated.


Mrs. Ervin wanted to commend Mr. Owens and his team for doing a great job.  Mrs. Ervin stated the lights at the War Memorial will be wonderful. 


The meeting was adjourned at 12:21 p.m.


Respectfully submitted,


Jamie M. McNamara, Assistant Clerk

Onondaga County Legislature


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